Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Speaking of Bravo reality-show contestants who don't get the point, what the hell is up with Ben??? He doesn't want to be a salesman for clothes? Then what the fuck are you doing being a model, for god's sake?
Man, I liked him personally before, but between being a jerk last week and not wanting to do his frickin' job this week, and also not getting over that stiffness on the runway, I hope to high heaven that he's gone next Thursday. What a big loser.
You are so right about Ben! WTF? After all this time is he just getting tired of being there and is sabotaging himself?
In the very beginning, I was a Perry fangirl (which ended several weeks ago, because dude, could you be anymore of an asshat?), and this week sort of clinched my dislike of Ben, too. Seriously, step it up.
Also, isn't it maybe a tiny bit ... I don't know, mean of him to say he wants to do the seduction scene with Ronnie when he *knows* Ronnie crushes on him?
I think Holly and Shannon both did fabulously this week, and I want all four of those gorgeous dresses. Not so much with Holly's hat, though.
AI: My poor Danny is gone. Too sad! But I knew it would be him. This show lives to break my heart. Now I have weeks and weeks of bar band wannabes and over the hill "rockers" to look forward to. Bleagh. I wish Kady and Kristy had left, but I'm ok with Asia going. Kristy will be leaving soon. I'd trade Amanda or Syesha for Alexandrea any day. It's all about David A., Jason, and Brooke from Top 12.
MMaSM: I'm so over Ben, too. He has a stank attitude. I'm totally digging on Holly FTW.
I think Holly could use a touch more sophistication and Shannon could be a little more friendly and open with the judges, but either one of them could totally do the job.
I just love Holly's look. The hair is perfect for her, and she photographs like a dream.
I don't want Holly's hat, but she did look fab in it. And she totally rocked that silver gown--just stunning! And I rather liked that Ronnie tried something different for his first walk; yes, it was very British Butler, but at least it was something other than a standard walk.
Casey has never done anything for me, so I was okay with him joining Ben in the bottom three. Perry is going to be in the final three with the two ladies, I think, because the judges just won't let Ronnie in that final group--I really think that they have something against that classic preppy look he has.
I actually voted for Casey last week -- I think he's got a great look and photographs really well, even if his runway confidence needs some work. Honestly, I think he's suffered by being so Perry's faithful puppy, or at least it seems that way to me.
I'm not sure why the judges don't get Ronnie's look -- they keep saying too Americana, but I could see him in Ralph Lauren or Abercrombie & Fitch ads. Which I guess are Americana, really, but not the wholesome! happy! Americana of a Sears ad or something.
In one of the very first photo shoots of the season, Ronnie had a real James Dean thing going that first got my eye, and I've liked him ever since. I think that he photographs as well as Holly does, and I don't know why the judges can't get past their bias.
I thiink my Casey issue is that whole androgynous look he has--I find it blah and forgetful. (Don't tell ita, but I thought Orlando-as-Legolas was just too pretty and not gorgeous.)
Casey's walk is just atrocious. He cannot be a top model with that galumphing down the catwalk. I just don't get him. His hair always looks greasy to me, like he needs a good shampoo and deep conditioner. I love Ronnie, but I can see why the judges keep going to the "too commercial" well.
Did I see correctly that Perry's girlfriend is in some threesome with Britney and her sleazy boyfriend? Because that? Is AWESOME!
Perry needs a haircut now.
yes you saw that: