I knew it would be between Chris and Christian. Except for my brother, who has a crush on Jillian, though his daughters mostly like Christian.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Now I want to organize the Grown-Up Fans Of Chris Marsh to send him a dollar each! Assuming there's no way he'll win the whole she-bang.
I was sad that it wasn't Chris, on the one hand, because I really don't think he'll make it to Fashion week, so I wanted him to win this. But on the other hand, Princess!!!! I love that Christian won because he really was one of the only ones bringing the good reality TV drama. But on the other other hand, maybe Christian now has the fan favorite curse and will be doomed to send a jungle themed nightmare of lame and and white hot pants down the runway and then come in a distant third. That would be tragic.
And how much did I love Heidi and Tim capping on Victorya? Damn, somebody on this show really doesn't like her. They kept cutting away to her and her giving bitch face. But I think my favorite part was Michael Kors losing it during the WWE challenge.
On AI, Amy, the main thing I want to make over on Amanda is the hair. Good lord, the hair is atrocious.
What I want to know is, why did they hold back all those clips of Jillian being goofy? She's a talented designer, but the way they edit the show, you'd think she was humorless, when lo and behold ...
I thought I didn't care about AI being on at the same time as ANTM because I don't watch AI but, dag!, it means you all aren't talking about ANTM!
Now I want to organize the Grown-Up Fans Of Chris Marsh to send him a dollar each!
HAH! I'd donate.
And how much did I love Heidi and Tim capping on Victorya? Damn, somebody on this show really doesn't like her.
I was wondering what they were trying to get at about Victorya being mad when Jack left. Because she did seem peeved in the background when Jack was announcing that he was leaving.
She's a talented designer, but the way they edit the show, you'd think she was humorless, when lo and behold ...
I KNOW! When they've shown bits of her talking about the other designers she mainly has seemed pissed off. She was hilarious!
Hmmm, I ffed through the Reunion to get to the preview. . . clearly I need to watch one of the repeats this weekend.
She's a talented designer, but the way they edit the show, you'd think she was humorless, when lo and behold ...
Yes. They definitely edit to give a particular impression of the designer she was to be seen as the quiet, bitchy one who can't finish on time.
Amanda Overmeyer looks like a character from Peanuts.
hides in corner with shameful crush::