This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
( continues...) night, because the boys stunk up the joint.
And since I went over anyway, let me say that David Hernandez has a nice voice but also has anti-charisma. I almost fell asleep while he was singing, and he really, really needs to get rid of the stick up his ass. The wannabe Daughtry can leave any time now. You sang Edwin McCain. You have no more cred left to you. Colton Berry continues the string of young, gay boys with pleasant drama club voices. Yawn. And Michael Johns is overrated. He was shouty and off key in several places.
Whew. Glad I got that off my chest.
Yay! I missed it, so thanks. Also, the news this morning showed Archuleta on Starsearch five years ago, when he must have been like negative-twelve years old, and I love him so much.
I think I said before, but I fell in love with Archuleta when I saw that Youtube clip of him working the hell out of "And I am Telling You" for Ms. Kelly Clarkson (she of the original EEEEEE). Ever since then, I've been a fangurl. I just know he's gonna break my heart though. 17 year old boys really just cannot hang for the length of a whole season. And since he just went into a hyperventilating, mini-giggle fest meltdown tonight and it was only the first night of Top 24, I am thinking that the competition is gonna roll over him like a freight train. He's such a wee cutie. It will be sad. I'm thinking JSIV sad. (Although Jr. Star Search may have toughened him up. I've heard Arsenio can be a bitch)
Dear kat perez,
I love you and your true reality-entertainment-teevee love. You make me try to watch American Idol.
That is all,
And since he just went into a hyperventilating, mini-giggle fest meltdown tonight and it was only the first night of Top 24, I am thinking that the competition is gonna roll over him like a freight train. He's such a wee cutie.
I agree with you. He is a cutie. I think David Johns is going to stomp on him.
Dear flea,
Thank you for being my enabler. My love for all things reality teevee is a pure and holy thing and I'm glad y'all let me come and share it with you.
kat p
PS: It is tearing me apart that the CW is forcing me to choose AI over the ANTM Cycle 10 premiere tonight. Sad, sad times.
I can't believe I made plans tonight! ANTM premiere, nutty Big Brother, Project Runway renunion show -- what was I thinking? I seriously have to make sure to stay home next Wednesday.
I made plans tonight, but if I'm not home by 10, it's because I'm flirting with a boy.