The Perry situation with his girlfriend was so unpleasant. I don't want to see obnoxious assholes emotionally abusing their significant others on my TV, Bravo. He is foul.
Ben's reaction to his wife's video Valentine was the least enthusiastic thing I've ever seen. As opposed to the happy, happy man hug he laid on Ronnie when he came back from the elimination. Frankie continues to be a tool, but I did give him a grudging chuckle for putting on the Flava Flav clock. I don't know who I want to go home this week. Honestly, I like both Stephanie and Ronnie, and Frankie is so pretty.
(Who is this Lil Mama person?)
She sings that song "Lipgloss" which you may not know unless you spend a lot of time listening to Z100 (substitute your local urban radio station's call numbers here). I think she's actually a really good judge (if a little bit obssessed with arm movements). In fact, I think all three are great because they judge and give real critiques about the dancing. It's not all Paula-fied platitudes or Crazy Mary Murphy screams. If you were good, they give props. And if you were bad, they will call you on it.
I'm in love with that Jabbawocky group (the ones with the masks). Their choreography is insanely difficult and they always pull it off and are super clean and perfectly synchronized. The hair flinging girl group (Femme Five), the skaters, and the group headed up by that guy from the SYTYCD Vegas round (hip-hopper asked to swing dance in Round One audition) can go home any time now. Uninspiring choreography each week and sloppy execution. And of course the skaters don't really dance, so there's that.
I caught a little bit of Perry's call when I was flipping channels and decided I could wait on watching the ep for a while. But it is kind of interesting - is this the first reality show of this type playing out in real time? (BB is real time, but they don't have much (any?) interaction with the outside. Idol is real time, but not this kind of fishbowl reality show.) It does seem to change the dynamic a lot WRT people's outside relationships.
Has anyone watched Last Restaurant Standing on BBCA? I'm watching it right now, and I'm liking it. I'm amazed that anyone ever goes into the restaurant business.
Oh, lord -- this tool on the Millionaire Matchmaker show is Mike Boogie's business partner in Dolce, etc.
I may have hit rock bottom in my reality tv knowledge.
I only realized after Big Brother All Stars that Will (Mike Boogie's controller) graduated the year ahead of me. I don't remember him but considering how small the school is I probably at least said hello to him once.
That means I'm only 1 degree away from Boogie and even that's too close for my comfort.
I ended up spending several hours on the couch this weekend watching a reality show new to me: "Jon and Kate plus 8"--it's a couple and their twins and sextuplets. Madness! And yet, we ended up watching like, four hours of it in a row. They just seemed very...normal. And real.
They just seemed very...normal. And real.
I can't watch that show because I feel like the couple bickers all the time! It's like having to watch my brother and SiL when they are irritated with each other on a tv show.
Heh. She's totally a dictator, but I empathize with it (and am a little impressed by it), and she does *admit* she's a bit crazy...:)
She's anal but she totally admits to it and with that many kids I'd be kind of schedule and germ crazy as well. But you do see them being nice to each other and it does seem that they love each other it just gets pushed to the side with all the kids.
Heh. She's totally a dictator, but I empathize with it (and am a little impressed by it), and she does *admit* she's a bit crazy...:)
I can't imagine how she could be any other way and keep everything running smoothly. I've only seen a couple of episodes though.