This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
My coworker pointed out that if you look at things Rami has made for celebrities, they aren't actually all togas. So I don't know what to make of that.
Maybe his clients make stipulations that he actually follows.
And Tim Gunn always laughs! That makes me think he's not so bad.
Yes - Tim isn't irritated by Christian so Christian is probably less irritating than he appears on screen.
Yes - Tim isn't irritated by Christian so Christian is probably less irritating than he appears on screen.
or that Tim is the essence of class and grace, so he would not allow his irritation to show. Irritating people can say funny things.
That's true. . . but I can't help but like somebody who makes Tim laugh.
Maybe his clients make stipulations that he actually follows.
Sure, and I know Nina isn't paying him, but you can't get much more explicit than she's been.
I'm usually not that observant when it comes to fashion, but I remember watching the first episode of this season and, when seeing Rami's portfolio, I thought, "Pretty, but I hope he doesn't get locked into that draped/Grecian look this entire season." Yet, that's been his only problem the entire run of the show.
Chris, OTOH, really has stepped outside of his portfolio and produced some truly lovely pieces in addition to the costume/show pieces. I have the most confidence in his ability to really make his collection pop, much more so than Rami's.
I'm kinda worried that all Rami has to do is produce something nice that isn't draped and that will garner more attention than something of equal or better fashion in Chris's collection.
I agree, Suzi. I really do.
My only quibble with Chris's dress was the shoulder piece, because yeah, that was way too reminiscent of the avant garde dress. But it *was* gorgeous, as Cavalli pointed out, and it was a beautiful interpretation of the painting he chose.
I think Chris is going to surprise us. Given time to play and work on his own, and his portfolio? I bet he's going to make some dramatic stuff.
I'm really looking forward to Chris' collection. I hope that we get to see it.
When's the finale? Are they doing the show when Tim goes to the houses? Are they doing a whole show on the Rami/Chris look?
Next week is the reunion, and I'm guessing week after that is the finale. Although it could be two episodes, really, with Tim visiting all of them and the extra challenge between Chris and Rami. With the actual runway shows and judging, that seems like too much for one hour.
And then Top Chef will start!