This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Aww, Phil! What a cutie.
Re AI: Worst episode of Idol ever? Even the "good" people were just a step up from sucky. And nobody was even entertainingly bad. I think Charleston might've topped Seattle as worst audition spot. (And I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Seattle because it gave us Crack Baby!)
Project Runway: OMGWTF Ricky won a challenge! And, he cried! And Victorya is auf! And Christian pouted visibly when he didn't win.
My only problem is that I called both Ricky winning and Victorya losing half-way through the episode. Thanks, editing! Subtle!
Yeah, it was clear that Ricky was gonna win when he got the Tim schmooze for the first time ever. Yet and still, I call huge bullshit on behalf of my pretty, pretty Princess. Christian's outfit was fierce and I loved it. He totally should have won. And if not him, then Rami. Much as I disliked him last week, that dress was heaven. Ricky's dress was just not terrible, which admittedly was a step up for him, but it was nothing to write home about.
Not sad to see Victorya go. She hasn't really wowed me 'til now, and she was totally biting off of Jillian, who was biting off of Kara Saun's futuristic/military coat from way back in S1 (even though Kara's coat was amazing while Jillian's was . . . not). I was glad that Chris was safe again and didn't think the dress was nearly as bad as the judges seemed to.
Jilllan's avant garde coat was amazing though. This one, not so much. You know, we always see it when Tim tells a designer not to do something and they get dinged for it. I wonder how many times he says something and it gets by? I'd love to see some of the raw footage.
With both Jillian and Victorya making coats again, it makes me wonder if once you make a coat, you start thinking "coats, coats, coats, coats, coats," because really - not such a great idea and neither were those coats.
I thought Christian had more of a chance of winning because Heidi said something about people wanting those jeans.
Ricky's outfit was the same outfit he does all the time, it's just that this time he executed it properly.
I actually didn't find that Jillian's coat this week owed much to her coat last week. It was a whole different vibe, which is what put me in mind of Kara Saun's coat from the future challenge (the one where Wendy made the crazy skirt that the crazy, skinny lady judge said looked like her cat coughed up a hairball - good times!).
Tim's Take was interesting this week. He didn't think Ricky should've won either. Actually, it seems like he didn't even really like Ricky's look. And he thought Christian's look was fierce. I love being on Tim's side.
I didn't mean that they looked like the other coat - just that having done an excellent coat last time around - they had to realize that any coat that they did had to live up to that. And neither did. (At least Jillian's looked like she had several things in mind.)
My favorite look was Sweet P's. I loved the way she put those colors together.
My favorite look was Sweet P's. I loved the way she put those colors together.
I was reading through the posts tonight and wondering where the love for Sweet P's dress was, and Kathy comes through for me. I liked Ricky's dress too, but Sweet P's was my favorite.