I just caught up on Supermodel, and hee! Ronnie's crush is the cutest thing ever. And he is seriously working that new haircut. He looked awesome. That's a really versatile cut, too, he'll be able to do old Hollywood glam and modern and funky and casual with it. He just looks great.
I am so bummed they cut Holly's hair. I love a good pixie cut, but she had so much more going for her with the bob.
The measurements thing was seriously disturbing, not the least because we only got the detailed information and the scolding about the women. And the shock at the fluctuation, "Is that possible?" Um, hello, women's bodies fluctuate! Taking measurements that often is going to be completely meaningless, but the women are going to stress about it anyway.
I hope Ben stays in. I know he's uncomfortable, but he's got a great look. I wish they hadn't put him in a ballcap for the catwalk. That left some weird interpretation to the rest of the outfit.
OMG, Ronnie+Ben=adorable!!
It cracks me up that everyone always has a comment about Frankie's Farrah Fawcet hair, but post-makeover, it looks exactly the same!
Also, those women have hips the size of my waist. Yikes.
Ronnie&Ben4evah! And when Ronnie blushes? That's the cutest thing in the world, right?
And Ben's all, "That's good, right? I dunno."
I was so sure they were going to lop off Frankie's hair. I think it would have looked better if they had. But they want him to be able to swing his haid.
And Ben's all, "That's good, right? I dunno."
Yeah, I kind of love Ben, too. I don't get the impression he's spent a lot of time hanging out with the gays and wearing makeup, but he's totally game.
That's what I adore about him. You know it's not in his comfort zone, but he hasn't said word one about it. And they've asked a lot of him. But he just rolls with it, and you know he's getting ribbed about Ronnie, but he's just cute about it.
OK, as much as I would have loved to see Don or Chris take it, I love that it came down to Rachel keeping her cool and figuring shit out. And I loved the old guys going up the ice!!
Yeah, I was rooting for Ron and Chris, but Rachel did what she and TK have done all along, calmed herself and worked it out.
Refresh my memory, was Rachel the one who had the camel-milking melt-down or was it the other petite brunette who was, thank dog, eliminated early?
Well done, show! This is the best TAR in eons.
Oh well, I was hoping for Nick and Don to take it all, but I can be satisfied with a win for the hippies. And it was a real nailbiter right down to the end. Darn, with TAR that good, I'm going to miss it more than ever. When is the next one starting?
And Don, on the ice wall? Yep, still the mack! Play on, playa.