Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I have 6 siblings, 5 of whom are women. Who do you thing watches PR? My brother. He even gets on his cell with his oldest daughter so they can watch together. You have no idea how hilarious this is to me.
He was as outraged as were we all about Kit. His fave is Jillian, though.
Well, my Tivo cut the end off again - thank goodness for this thread or I'd never know the results!
I told my tivo to go 2 minutes past the hour to make sure I get the end.
I loved, loved, loved Team Fierce's dress. And I still love Christian. His little impromptu modeling lesson? So cute. What can I say, I like the annoying ones (sometimes). I loved Hung, too, so maybe Christian FTW? Nah! But I really can't believe they made that dress in two days (plus another look). Agreed that the coat was amazing and where Victorya and Jillian fell down was on the second, ready to wear look.
I remember not liking Rami's first dress, but I liked him because I thought he was pretty. Now, I don't like him or his designs. He was an ass to Sweet Pea. And she was a bit ridiculous in her little breakdown when her model had to comfort her, but it's a very stressful, kinda crazy situation.
And the models on Supermodel continue to kick Tyra in the ass. Some of those shots were amazing, although I don't get all the slobbering over Jackie. She's cute, but she doesn't blow me away. And I thought the walk was waaaay too much, even for Heatherette. I did thing Ronnie was fantastic. I liked stiff little Ben, too, and was sad to see him in the bottom three. He's a married, good ole boy, prison guard in gold lame pants with a gay man crush, for heaven's sake! I think he's doing fabulous to be such a fish out of water. I would've left Jay in the bottom three instead. He's sweet as candy, but he will never be a supermodel. I wish the show would cut out the measurements. It is disturbing. Congratulating Holly on losing half an inch when she is already bean pole skinny? Not ok.
The Chris/Chris dress was AMAZING, but I didn't like their RTW look at all. It was frumpy.
Christian with his 2-ruffles-down-the-front-of-everything thing isn't quite Angela's granny circles, but it's close. He needs to watch that.
And, of course, OMGWTFNEEDCOAT!!!! I thought everything the model was wearing under the coat was very silly looking, and not in a fashion-forward avant-garde way. And again with the ruffly shirt! Please tell me that's not a look I'm going to start seeing on the street. Because, uh, NO. DO NOT WANT.
Dear Christian and Victorya, Boobs are not the enemy. Please to be not flattening them and hiding them under fugly ruffles anymore. Please?
Their RTW dress was cute, but other than the little tartan corner dealie it didn't really have anything to do with their avant-garde look.
And honestly, I loved Rami's dress. It wasn't avant-garde, and he was a total asshole about making it, but I thought it was gorgeous and well-made, and I would wear it. The pants were stupid. Sweet P's dress was the only RTW look up there that didn't look thrown together at the last minute - good for her.
Well, this'll be easy.
What Jess said.
But Rami lost me. It
a pretty cool dress. But it certainly wasn't avant-garde - it was practically another RTW. It's not just that he's clinging to the damn draping and twisting, but that for the second week in a row, he's insisted on going there even when it was inappropriate to the challenge. Which, feh. And he was such an ass to Sweet P that I have to give her a pass on her own behavior this week. (Her dress was gorgeous, too, and it was nice to see that her reaction to their strife was to make sure that she had something up there she could rest on, rather than just carping about how she was shut out.)
it was nice to see that her reaction to their strife was to make sure that she had something up there she could rest on, rather than just carping about how she was shut out
Yes, absolutely.
what Brenda said. I used to like Rami a lot, but he WAS an ass.
It was just clear that he didn't respect Sweet P at all, and he treated her like a child. Although I don't think her talent is at the top of the ranks, she deserves to be treated better than that.
But good on her, for putting a good product on the runway, and for letting the judges know it was hers.
I was impressed with Jillian standing up to Victorya and not letting her run the project. I hadn't pinged on her having that strong of a personality before.
Last night I rewatched the candy episode and notice that the judges are stuck on a couple of comments. Micheal Kors has an issue with looks being too sophisticated. And Nina has now told Chris twice that his look was camera ready for a spread in Elle.
I did thing Ronnie was fantastic. I liked stiff little Ben, too, and was sad to see him in the bottom three. He's a married, good ole boy, prison guard in gold lame pants with a gay man crush, for heaven's sake! I think he's doing fabulous to be such a fish out of water. I would've left Jay in the bottom three instead. He's sweet as candy, but he will never be a supermodel.
Yesyesyes! Poor Ben is going to really suffer when he goes back to work at the prison, isn't he? And Jay should definitely have been left on that runway for the bottom three--I couldn't see what it was about his walk that saved his ass, but he's not cut out for the big time. I personally think it's going to be either Dominick, because of his asshole tendencies, or the girl whose name I can't remember now who'll be gone, even though she got a nice look with the new red hair.