I really loved this episode, because this is the kind of crazy OTT fashion I want to see on ProRun EVERY WEEK. I think that "Team Fierce" dress was in my top three PR looks now (1. Chrysler Building dress. 2. Fierce dress. 3. Vosovic orchid blouse). But the elimination was really, really wrong, given that Kit has consistently done good work and been unpraised. Her shit must look wrong on the runway, I dunno. Also, of course, I loved how when Ricky wasn't crying in the interviews, he had JUST BEEN CRYING! Ricky, Ricky. Don't ever change.
Also, in agreement that that fucking coat was AMAZING.
Oh, and I forgot to say, I hate Sweet Pea. What happened to her to make her so incredibly whiny? She just seems about 25 years younger. Jillian too. There was way too much whine with my PR cheese last night.
I really loved this episode, because this is the kind of crazy OTT fashion I want to see on ProRun EVERY WEEK.
And OMGWTF! Kit! She was my pick for sleeper hit of the season. And this so should have been her episode. All she had to do was bust out one of her crazy art installation concepts and it would have been made of win. Did she ever explain the inspiration, the whole birds' nest thing? Ricky made the exact same dress he's made this whole season, just with Kit's cloth.
Anyway, that coat! I need that coat. It made me gasp when it flared out at the start of the runway. But seriously, Jillian needs to get her shit together. All the other designers have the same amount of time she does. She needs to freaking manage her time.
Chris & Christian's dress was unbelievably gorgeous. It was exactly what the judges were looking for, and everyone else should have known it. And I love that Chris got given a lot of rope and totally didn't hang himself. He was given an OTT challenge, and he made something tasteful and elegant and still totally over the top.
(Mmm, orchid blouse.)
I liked Rami at the beginning, but I'm so over it. Sweet Pea's dress was great, and I'd wear it. And his dress was a mess. If it was a corset dress, you barely knew it from the aesthetic.
Oh, Kit! I'll miss you!
I kind of figure that a grown woman who goes by Sweet P tells you all you need to know. I still like her, though!
Anyway, that coat! I need that coat. It made me gasp when it flared out at the start of the runway.
OOh, Tim gives credit for the design of the coat to Jillian. Interesting.
I haven't seen the ep yet, but Sweet P annoys the crap out of me. Her weekly freakouts make me roll my eyes so hard it hurts.
Am very disappointed to hear that Ricky is still in the game and Kit got aufed. But I should probably watch before passing real judgment.
I'm picturing all of us at the F2F wearing that coat.
We would so rock.
but Sweet P annoys the crap out of me. Her weekly freakouts make me roll my eyes so hard it hurts.
I find her kind of annoying, but I like her designs. And occasionally, she can be entertaining, like when she was telling the HS girls that she was a product of Catholic school while showing off her tats and piercings.
I'm picturing all of us at the F2F wearing that coat.
We would so rock.
OMG, just imagine a power walk through the lobby of the hotel . . .
Am very disappointed to hear that Ricky is still in the game and Kit got aufed. But I should probably watch before passing real judgment.
Then you can be properly apeshit like the rest of us.