This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Wow, that's hard core. Not that I wouldn't have done it in a heartbeat, and already be
planning how to embellish it with locations I'd been and TAR logos and possibly Phil's face etc etc,
but still.
ION, thank god for
Though I have Issues with
having prizes and non-elim and FF all in the same leg.
I like the new twist on the non-elim. So much better than the Phil mugging.
Don is so my 70 year old TV boyfriend! Although, despite the lame attempts at drama, I had no doubt that he would go through with it because he rocks! Which of course means that Nick and Don are going to come in second and join Kris and Jon in the "Teams that Break kat's Heart Hall of Fame."
Just as long as Nate and Jen keep coming in second, I think I could stand to see any of the other teams left as the big winners, and I don't think I've ever been able to say that about another race.
I like the new addition to non elim. It's way better than the beg for money.
I'm curious to see how the new addition works. Though the old visuals of teams piling on every stitch they owned, hoping for a non-elim and then being eliminated - that was priceless.
I can't wait to see how the "speed bump" works too!
I was so distressed watching my tape - having two of my three favorite teams in the bottom. I'm so glad that it was a non-elimination leg.
I was very surprised that they actually had to get a tattoo for the fast forward.
I was very surprised that they actually had to get a tattoo for the fast forward.
Me too. I kept expecting it to be a fake out. They had to agree to get a tattoo and then the artists would do a henna or something instead of a real live tat.
That being said, I'd have done it in a heartbeart and would have eventually expanded it to include the full TAR logo.
I think I would have done it on my leg, not my arm, so I wonder if that was part of the deal.
Phil said something about it being a tradition of sailors, so the bicep placement might have been part of that.
I'd have done it in a heartbeart and would have eventually expanded it to include the full TAR logo.
And OH HELL YEAH to this.
I started watching VH1's "The Shot" - the show about people wanting to become a photographer and VH1's website is the fucking worst. I can't believe that the site does not work with Firefox. What the fuck?
I adore them for having gotten the tattoos and now they need to win. 'Cause, seriously, people, they got tattoos! That say FF!
And yeah, I would have done it too.