Once again, Eastern European cabbies come through with a bolt of justice for the undeserving team. It could have only been sweeter if it got them eliminated, but since they're doing a fine job of self-destructing by themselves.
I mean, losing a rowing contest with an old herniated guy? It's true that Ron has more willpower than the Energizer Bunny, and as long as Christina can keep him pointed in the right direction, he's going to get through any task, but there are limits to how much strength and speed he's got.
Felt bad for Hendekea and Azaria, but sometimes a bad break is a bad break -- it would have been a good leg for a non-elim, alas.
Dubrovnik is beautiful, isn't it? I take it that it's once again safe for tourism, if TAR is going there. ::makes mental note::
Dubrovnik is beautiful, isn't it? I take it that it's once again safe for tourism, if TAR is going there. ::makes mental note::
Definitely. It is one of the new hip and happening places to vacation (i.e., the NYT has featured it a couple of times this past year and it's even popped up in my BudgetTravel mag).
Also, once again people make the mistake of thinking rowing a boat is somehow a no-brainer. I swear someone should develop a crash course for these reality contestants on the basics of canoeing and rowing.
I agree - bootcamp all around. I mean, who goes on Survivor without learning how to start a fire. Geeeesh.
La-la-la...nothing to see here.
I agree - bootcamp all around. I mean, who goes on Survivor without learning how to start a fire. Geeeesh.
seriously. Hell, I'd be securing waterproof matches in a cavity!
I wonder if instead of Non-elim legs we're going to get episodes where they've done most of a "leg" and they see Phil but instead of getting a prize - they discover that the 'leg' continues - and we see the rest next episode.
So, what order to the teams come in?
I wonder if instead of Non-elim legs we're going to get episodes where they've done most of a "leg" and they see Phil but instead of getting a prize - they discover that the 'leg' continues - and we see the rest next episode.
That may be, but Phil definitely said at the beginning of the race that there are X pit stops, Y are elimination points, and Z are non-elimination. I just don't recall the values of X, Y, and Z. I remember because I keep hoping for a race without any non-elimination legs. Of course, I keep hoping for an actual "race" with actual "clues" too.
According to Miss Alli at TWOP:
at the beginning of the race, Phil explicitly said eleven pit stops, of which eight would be elimination points. That would imply that there are pit stops that are not elimination points, however they intend to handle or label them. I suspect it's semantics, but Phil said eleven pit stops, and Phil said eight elimination points. We've now had six elimination points and six pit stops. Either the opening narration was flat-out false, or there are some pit stops coming up that are not elimination points.
Thank you Nora, I knew I didn't imagine it!
ETA: That's not to say I don't imagine Phil saying things from time to time. They just usually don't involve pit stops.