Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own

This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]

bon bon - Nov 16, 2007 8:42:31 am PST #2597 of 23273
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

I think it's too hard to vote James out. I can't recall how the numbers worked out, but I remember seeing a persuasive summary -- something like you have to have two targets, who cannot be privy to your plans; you're going to need at least five votes-- three for James and two for the other guy, in case James votes for someone else-- and there's always a risk that someone will defect. In the case of James, that person can join James in the final tribal and have a good case that James just got lucky with his idols. Or PG, Frosti and Erik (probably two of whom would needed for this plan) could turn James and make sure to vote someone out of James's former alliance. I could be wrong, but I think that's the problem.

askye - Nov 16, 2007 9:25:33 am PST #2598 of 23273
Thrive to spite them

Todd's best chance to get James out was when they voted out JR. They had the element of surprise on their hands -- James wasn't going to believe they'd vote against him over PG, Erik, or Frosti so he would have been totally blindsided and wouldn't have used the immunity idols. Todd was sure the other players were going to vote for James, plus JR came up with idea and Todd wouldn't have even been blamed for it. Of course he wouldn't have gotten credit for it, which is why he went after JR but it was a stupid thing to do.

It's too hard to try and figure out a way to throw over James, because they'd have to figure out a way to tell people and keep the knowledge away from James, which is hard on Survivor.

lisah - Nov 16, 2007 2:18:53 pm PST #2599 of 23273
Punishingly Intricate

He's already my designer to hate.

Awww...I kind of love Christian. But probably mostly because he is a local boy. My fave dress was the b & w & turquoise one although it was maybe a little safe. It's just something I could see wearing.

askye - Nov 16, 2007 2:51:01 pm PST #2600 of 23273
Thrive to spite them

My two favorite dresses was the purple one by the heavy set guy and the white and black fabric with the blue trim.

Vortex - Nov 16, 2007 8:44:47 pm PST #2601 of 23273
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

yes, I liked both of those. I love rami's because I'm a sucker for good draping and soft fabrics. They're more forgiving.

quester - Nov 17, 2007 3:19:16 pm PST #2602 of 23273
Danger is my middle name, only I spell it R. u. t. h. - Tina Belcher.

The loser and the rain-goddess were the only real disasters in this challenge. All of the others were made well, and some were quite good. I think this bodes well for the competition.

lisah - Nov 17, 2007 3:56:02 pm PST #2603 of 23273
Punishingly Intricate

okay the lady, Tamara, on last night's new What Not to Wear episode had my exact same glasses I think. And what was funny was that all the way through, prior to her makeover, I was thinking, "Well, at least her glasses aren't too bad." hah!

Jesse - Nov 18, 2007 4:11:01 am PST #2604 of 23273
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Thank goodness they finally got a fun person! Maybe they should do more self-nominations -- maybe the person's own clothes aren't as bad, but at least they'd want to be there.

Jesse - Nov 18, 2007 4:13:57 am PST #2605 of 23273
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Oh! That reminds me -- yesterday I was walking on the street listening to a woman tell someone on the phone about how she is about to be on Ten Years Younger. It's like Semi-Extreme Makeover -- she was saying she had gotten an eyelift and botox and had just left the dentist. Sadly, she was just behind me, so I didn't feel like I could turn right around and stare!

sumi - Nov 18, 2007 3:15:30 pm PST #2606 of 23273
Art Crawl!!!

Okay, I in no way want Jennifer and Nathan to have that great advantage.

At least all the other teams are in the same boat. (I wonder if there are flights to that town which I can't spell or pronounce from other countries?)