Ooh, excellent, Flea! Tell Casper I look forward to it. :) I'll be on a plane, so will have to watch tomorrow.
'Time Bomb'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Oh yay! More incentive for me to catch up.
Opening: super-highlighting of Virgil. Does he have stage training? Casper says: they're good. The girls are wearing heels!
Dereck/Alexia/Jaja - Dereck is so boring. Also I missed why he's in an army suit? I thought Jaja did a good job; Alexa was good too, probably better technically, but I felt like only Jaja put the emotion across.
Casper, as Nigel talks about Jaja: "He likes her."
OMG I realize why I stopped watching the actual show. I hate listening to the judges talk.
Casper, as Jason talks, "He doesn't know anything about dancing."
Jim/Megz/Moises: Casper: "I like everything." I thought Moises brought it harder than Jim; Jim was kind of funky and very precise, but he is not a hard man.
mr. flea: "Wait, that guy choreographed the Single Ladies video? That's bad-ass." Oh god, Nigel is miming Single Ladies. No, no.
Edson/Yorelis/JJ: Okay, I fell in love with the choreographer during the preview, but I did not like the dance at all. Casper loved it. Dillo said, "Put on a shirt dude."
Marisa/Asaf: We all agree, he's terrible. Casper has gone to the bathroom so as not to hear the critique because she's so embarrased for him. I mean, can this boy dance at all? He just got on this show because he's pretty and looks good with his shirt off, right? Marisa did the best she could, and was really game. Poor woman.
Asaf is the kind of dancer who makes me angry on this show, when the others are so great. Especially when he gets the cute boy vote.
Burim/Ariana/Gaby: We liked this dance although both kids were like "CHEESEMAN???" (I secretly love Sean Cheeseman and his over the top doesn't even exist African Jazz.) The girls were awesome, and I hope they don't waste the whole critique on the weakness of Burim. Casper loved the ladies lifting each other. Oh wait, Gaby is a tap dancer??
Neptune/Kate: That was really good. It was Neptune's dance. Kate was just sort of there to me. Casper: "Oh Neptune is so good, and I love his name, too!" I also loved Twitch's strong mentoring support. He's such a great person.