I love Chris March, but that dress was a Hot Topic special. It also didn't feel like his heart was completely in this season.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I didn't hate the dress, but I'm so sad to see Chris go home so early, and I would have loved to have Betsey Johnson's opinion actually have some weight. Otherwise, why was she there?
I had to double-check, but we skipped TAR this week, right? This Friday thing throws me, and I hope it doesn't mean they're thinking of dumping it.
Yeah, it just wasn't on last week.
SYTYCD is renewed, but doing a "stage vs. street" thing with 10 of each in the top 20. I wonder if that means not necessarily 10 boys and 10 girls? [link]
Oh dear. That sounds...painful.
I don't like the sound of that.
Although, to be honest, I didn't like the sound of SYTYCD when it started. I still kinda hate the title.
Misty Copeland is going to have a show on Oxygen! Where she like, mentors dancers or something? Unclear, but you know I'll watch.
I think the SYTYCD format changes sound beyond stupid, but I will watch SYTYCD in any format until it leaves the air. I'm still hanging on with Idol and it stopped being a good show years ago. But yeah, not excited for the stage vs. street dancers thing. First of all, the show is already that due to Nigel's obsession with untrained dancers and sending them on a "journey" somewhere. For another thing, Nigel's whole outlook on hip hop choreography is so problematic, I just cannot even fathom how bad it's going to get when half the top 20 is comprised of street dancers. For another other thing, I fear that this means that ballroom is going to be getting even shorter shrift on this show than it's already getting now and that makes me sad because I love ballroom. I guess my only hope for something good coming out of the new format is that they might need to bring in a fresh crop of hip hop choreographers, which has been sorely needed for quite some time now.
I'm also wondering if this means the death of the All Stars format. I won't mourn it if it goes, even though I have really enjoyed seeing Mark and Katherine and Allison and Alex Frikkin' Wong on my TV screen again.
Now, Misty Copeland I could watch. Doing pretty much anything, probably. Thanks for the heads up, meara!