Super excited about SYTYCD, just checked that my TiVo will get it in case I don't make it to watching it in the hotel.
...and in doing so realized "Extreme Weight Loss" is back on TV. I'm ashamed, but I kinda love it. Even as I watch it going "God, why am I sitting on the couch watching this crap instead of doing something healthy like the people on the TV are??"
EW on this season of SYTYCD: [link]
Amy, I couldn't get past 2 minutes of reading and Nygel dissing hip hop dancers.
Fuck you, Nygel. Dare we mention, and there were plenty, of ballroom dancers who couldn't dance other styles for shit?
Auditions: The dad-off was hysterical. I love when the dancers' families are so supportive and enthusiastic.
I heart dancers. They make me smile.
I couldn't take good notes because I'm in a hotel and not in my natural watching habitat, but so far, so love. Cat is here and crazy talented dancers are here and there weren't that many bad auditions and there were some really good auditions and my show, man! I miss it when it's not around.
Not loving the ABDC rip off. One, I don't want Beiber on my TV. Two, not only is it an ABDC rip off but they are also using recycled contestants (Poreotix were already contestants on ABDC). And three, did I mention Beiber? On TV? On my favorite show? Hell to the naw.
Mary needs to go back to the weave if the alternative is the deep fried mess she is rocking right now. It's like yellow highlighter colored.
I want more than one day of auditions per week. Dammit!
Also, I totally watched Extreme Weight Loss last night and justified it by saying that the female candidate was a dancer - plus she looked fabulous at the end of the night and not like a crazy, dangerously skinny bobblehead. In other words, while I don't seek it out, I will absolutely watch the hell out of that show if I stumble across it and nothing better is on.
Hah--Kay, I'm with ya, on being in a hotel (though that's more my normal habitat anyway). And I feel like extreme weight loss isn't as bad as some because it lasts a whole year?
Not loving the ABDC rip off. One, I don't want Beiber on my TV. Two, not only is it an ABDC rip off but they are also using recycled contestants (Poreotix were already contestants on ABDC). And three, did I mention Beiber? On TV? On my favorite show? Hell to the naw.
Yuuup. I was watching on some tape delay, but not enough, so I watched some commercials on purpose to be able to ff through the Beibs.
So, I'm kind of ...offended? By the guy going back twice in a row, only because isn't half the point of the choreo round that you only have X amount of time to learn it? I'm assuming it's the same choreo in each city. It seems like an unfair advantage if you've got the money to chase the auditions.
Well, except his problem the first time wasn't as much that he couldn't learn the choreography as that he was a bad partner. And maybe having the extra rehearsal time gave him the base to be able to be a better partner, but that he improved where he needed to so quickly is still pretty impressive.
It's not like it's exactly a fair process in general.