This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Wow, just watched the TAR finale. All I can say is, I'm so glad Brenchel didn't win. Ugh.
Oh, and I was super surprised they didn't have to do any sort of "what are all the words for hello/types of money/flags of countries" task!! No thinking, just the lightbulb changing!?
Yeah, I call shenanigans on there being no race-recap memory test! I'm not sure what kinds of shenanigans, but still!
I would not have been thrilled about any of the finalists winning, but seriously, fuck you, Rachel. "It's for our BABY!"
On the plus side, David Copperfield! His face looks good -- I feel like it was touch an go there for a while.
If ever a team deserved their Bad Taxi Karma -- but seriously, the Brenchells were just getting the driver's back up more by the nagging.
Not that it mattered all that much in the end, because they then went on to not read the clue closely and run through a VAST hotel to find the cluebox, which cost them even more time.
What a cool way to get to the final finish line -- a night jump over Vegas!
Cowboy Jake is going to win, isn't he?
How Does It Feel is just a goddamn sexy song. Damn.
I hope Josh wins, but I do fear that Jake will take it.
I stayed up so late last night to watch Drag Race, but
at least Bianca won!
I was wrong about the Voice. Yay!
Masterchef is back tonight! It seems like cooking shows are the only ones I can follow faithfully anymore.
Although SYTYCD starts this week, too, right?
I think you are right Amy. Since I only get Fox on the TV these days, Masterchef and SYTYCD are mainstays of my summer TV.