He flips out on the regular, though.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
True. But at least he had a reason this time.
Hey, tonight's Simpsons is the one with Marge's PR dress
Which looked better in cartoons that it did in real life.
I feel vaguely guilty that I gave up on Under the Gunn (because Tim Gunn! I love Tim Gunn!). But it was so boring.
I've got the the last three languishing on my DVR. It's not compelling watching, but it's interesting enough to have on while I do something else without making me feel like I'll have to rewind if I miss a bit. I'll get to them, probably.
OK, I've been catching up on Under the Gunn and I'm about halfway through the finale now. I like all four of the collections that are showing, so I'm pleased. That's really all I need, a bunch of pretty clothes to look at.
People, I am still so obsessed with Pentatonix. Especially in the Daft Punk video, for which I am responsible for at least 200 of the 50 million views, and in which I am so attracted to Mitch despite him being a) young enough to be my son b) gay and c) (possibly most importantly) clearly quite short.
I didn't love the finale performance for Face Off - I think making light the theme made the stage too dark to really be able to appreciate the make ups. But I'm totally pleased with the winner.