This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Many comments after watching the full week of The Voice:
Oh, man! I'm so bummed out for Shelbie Z.! I'm also sad for Stephanie Ann Johnson, even though I didn't think she was actually the best. (Apparently I am repping for the big girls tonight.)
Hey, Team Adam can actually sing as a group! Well, he has at least one professional background singer and one college a capella vet, so at least the two of them know how to sing harmony...
I kind of hope Matthew Schuler becomes a big star just because he has such a regular name and that makes me laugh. It seems like it will come down to him, Tessanne Chin, or Jacquie Lee, don't you think?
Watching TAR--
I had no idea there were that many kinds of dates. I want to try them all.
Also, I feel bad that the girls all have to wear long sleeves and pants while the boys don't. That wives, I find it really hard to believe LEGGINGS are appropriate.
Jason's accent continues to entertain me. He was in the cah, yes he was. I would be fine going around the track, but would want to close my eyes and scream, not keep them open!
I would long since have passed out from the heat, though, I think.
And all y'all who expected last week to be non-elimination were almost right!
The race car task is one of those that is deceptively hard -- coming right off an adrenaline-inducing descent and right out into a car going seriously fast. Not the best headset for being observant and having a working memory.
coming right off an adrenaline-inducing descent and right out into a car going seriously fast
I'm sure I would have made the same mistake as several of the teams, seeing only the first name/time combo and assuming that was the answer.
It was funny that Travis, the only one who got the answer on the first lap, was bummed he didn't have to go around again.
I thought so too, Nora! It was also funny when he was so guilty about snapping at his wife during the task.
So the Bad Idea Bears visited the Voice again, huh?
Seriously. Instant Twitter save? Umm, no. I'd rather have to deal with Christina Milian in the skybox again than that. So stupid.
Also, I cannot believe that all three of Blake's people were safe. That's just some cult of personality voting right there. I will be upset if he wins it all again this season.
Team Tessanne and Matthew. Jacqui will be good in a couple of years, now she's just kind of a -bot. Y'all know how I feel about 16 year olds on my singing competition shows.
I just can't believe they got all the way to air without realizing/caring that a) they were going to piss off a lot of people on the West Coast, and b) they were doing it in a way that made it easy for people to complain.
I'm sure they weren't concerned. I mean, the West Coast is not even Real America. We're just the weird cousin, kinda like Balki on Perfect Strangers.