I'm amazed at the Oklahoma boys because my first reaction when I learned a team didn't know stick would involve a lot of laughter on my part.
I'm wondering about the taxi rides to the fish place at this point. Would love to see what the exact wording on the instructions were.
Plus, the picture of the longhouse left in the rocks. Is that going to come into play next week?
Plus, the picture of the longhouse left in the rocks. Is that going to come into play next week?
Usually if you leave part of a clue behind you have to go back for it before Phil can check you in, but I'm not sure of the rules in a double leg.
It occurred to me that the midnight sun would be pretty great for letlag on this race - doesn't matter what time your body clock is on, it's light all the time!
My god, Norway is fucking gorgeous. Is there anything for tourists to do there other than admire glaciers and make fun of lutefisk?
I hope Pink Hair gives the express pass to the doctors. I like them and want them to have it.
I also enjoy the turning-it-back-on-them aspect, since Pink Hair has been so shitty about saying to people, "Help us because we have the Express Pass."
Check me out, watching Face Off practically in real time! And it's a rough week. The winning look is kind of brilliant, and next week looks like a good time.
Vulture's 25 Most Amazing Amazing Race Teams.
I don't get how Team Cha-Cha-Cha isn't on that list.
The Clowns weren't on the list either!!!
No Clowns, no Virgins, no Cha-Cha-Cha, no Will and Tara, no Doublemint/Zoolander...this list is Not My List.
no kidding. we need to make our list of Top 25.
A list of Top 25 TAR teams without The Guidos? Uchenna and Joyce make it on the list over Chip and Kim? Automatically invalid. There were teams on that list that I barely even remember.
in re: Face Off
-t, I too was glad that Eddie left when he did and now I'm happy for Lainie that she ended her own misery. Bless her heart. She obviously has talent, but I wonder sometimes what the producers are thinking on these shows when they choose obviously emotionally fragile contestants.
I appreciated that they didn't exploit her exit any more than they did.
I'm a bit annoyed that Miranda lucked out so. Her performance this week begs my question before about how much of her success so far is based on the help that she was able to get from others. Now that they are down to the final four, no one has time to carry her...except for her poor model! In the promo package they had Glenn saying something like 'If you did that to a director, you'd be gone.' I was SO hoping he'd said it to her.
It isn't fair that such shoddy work bore no consequence and, if I were Laura or Tate (who I'm supporting to win) I'd be peeved.
Speaking of the producers' choices, did anyone else get the vibe that the 'shocking twist' for this episode was going to be that Tate was sick? I've watched it a couple of times and it really jumps out at me.
Roy seems to understand the providence on his side. Bless him. He's good, but not as good as Laura or Tate.