I agree on all points, -t. Bryan Fuller was clearly delighted with _everything_. It was awfully sweet.
Roy does good work, but his ambitions get the better of him.
Tate is my favorite, both for his vision and his temperament.
Miranda is super talented but, lordy, what a brat. The other cast members have been carrying her far too much, which I think they've finally cottoned on to in the most recent episode.
Laney has been squeaking by and, I predict, will be the next to go.
This is one of my guilty pleasures. I can't tear my eyes away from it.
I was thinking how impressed I am with the big names they get, but they are mostly behind-the-scenes types who are probably pretty excited to be asked to do this!
(Also, I'm sure the number of people in Hollywood who would do anything Vee Neil asked is huge, not to even get into the rest of the people involved with the show.)
This is sad. I remember him from that season.
I love that Chester and Ephraim called out the Beekman Boys. (a) Fans of the show, clearly (or studied), and (b) NFL guys looking to emulate a gay couple.
....Dag. They TOTALLY got eliminated by a travel agent.
ARGH!!!!! That was a great ep, but so hard to watch.
Portugal is stunning, though.
Oh, so sad about the TAR elimination! When I saw them taking that crazy flight with 2 connections, I started screaming on my couch, "Don't do it. Don't get on a regional airline in a South American country when a million dollars is on the line." And Aerolineas Argentina? Oh, no. That was a terrible way to go out. That said, they had such a great attitude even when being Philiminated. What a joy that team was. Wish we'd gotten to see more of them.
Master Chef news is also really sad. I remember that dude, too. He seemed like a good guy.