I miss Shakira and Usher, too, but I thought X-tina was better than she was before, more present. I think she's feeling the pressure because Shakira was so well liked last time around. Cee-Lo's tattoo hair is disturbing. I certainly hope that's henna.
I enjoyed Gloria Estefan's back up singer as well as the little black rugby player from PA and that was about it. The country girl who was a pageant coach was fun but one note. The 17 year old girl with the quirky voice was like every other 17 year old girl with a quirky voice they've ever had on this show. I'm exhausted by the nose ring boy with the crush on Adam already and it's only been one episode. I was less than impressed with both the stripey pants rocker girl and the porkpie hat rocker boy and I didn't get the last kid who got four chairs to turn around at all. He was very shout-y is the new good. If other people got through last night, I don't remember them.
I still enjoy the show but nowhere near as much as I used to. Adam and Blake need to take a break because their whole thing is getting tired now. Adam is still very pretty, though, in his douchebag way.
I also watched DwTS again last night and liked it again. Amber Riley is the bomb diggity and Jesse Spano and that kid from High School Musical are basically like watching pros, so that's enough good dancing to make me OK to sit through people like Bill Engvall and Snooki. Not OK with sitting through more Bill Nye because he is just so, so bad and last night his pants were way too tight in a way that I was not comfortable with at all, but I can just look away during that time.