the ship is just for the winnowing process. Once the 13 are chosen they will move into a house, I think.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
OK, thank goodness there's some discussion of whether Sarah is plus size or not. Because seriously.
Anyone else catch Kid Nation?
Seriously, seriously. If she's plus size, then I'm a monkey's uncle. She could not be more than a size 8/10. There's no way she's plus size.
I'm underwhelmed by this crop. Ebony's schtick was tired three Cycles ago, and you're never gonna out-bitchcrazy rubbing your dirty drawers all over somebody's bed, so what are you left with? So many obviously cast for the drama - Heather (Asperger's girl), Lisa (I'm in love w/a stripper girl). I did enjoy the red head (short hair - not purple bangs) and I liked they Yalie, although agreed with Ms. Jay that she is a little horsey.
I saw about five mintues of it, aurelia, and turned it off. Based on that thorough analysis, it looked like alternating spells of deadly dull and deeply disturbing. Turns out it's quite a different experience when it's not someone's inner twelve-year-old on display for the world to see.
Seriously, seriously. If she's plus size, then I'm a monkey's uncle. She could not be more than a size 8/10. There's no way she's plus size.
She's more like a 4/6, don't you think? I mean, she was THIN. I figure "normal" models are like 0/2, "plus" models are maybe 6-10.
She's more like a 4/6, don't you think? I mean, she was THIN. I figure "normal" models are like 0/2, "plus" models are maybe 6-10.
I think she probably could be a 6/8, not a 4. I mean she's obviously not model thin because what 5'10" normal woman wears a size 0? I mean, I wear a size 0, but I'm 5'4". Hmmph. I remember when Tyra had real plus size model types, even last cycle Whitney was a solid size 10. Isn't plus size supposed to be 10-14?
I dunno, really...
In related Top Chef news, when Colicchio started describing how each of the final two had opposite faults, I was just waiting for him to break out, "Who goes home?" like Tyra would. But no.
Also, I'm excited for my boyfriend Eric Ripert in Aspen!!
In related Top Chef news, when Colicchio started describing how each of the final two had opposite faults, I was just waiting for him to break out, "Who goes home?" like Tyra would. But no.
Oh, that would've been genius! I am sad to see Sara go. [So many Sara/Sarah people on reality TV and I can never keep it straight] But she's been hanging on by her fingernails for a while now. Isn't this the second time she's served undercooked/almost raw food? Not good.
I know he is a pompous ass, but I still love Hung. I figure it's gotta be the monkey thing.
1. I didn't think I'd last the hour of Kid Nation but I kind of switched between that and Good Eats and wound up sticking with it. I was very glad that the tiny 8 year old decided to go home. I cannot believe that any sane parent let a child that young try this. He was a baby! Also - when the kids were all sad and homesick: it made me sad. But then they started doing the kid thing and thinking up kid ideas and that was kind of fun.
2. So relieved that Dale is going on. I mean, it would have been cool to have two women cheftestants in at the end but DALE. Plus, raw chicken is nobody's friend.
And I second the enthusiasm for Eric Ripert. What a good sport to come back after last year's fiasco. I only hope that no one feeds him chocolate covered liver this year.