I believe the sequester people all get $9000, so, whatever that works out to a month/week.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Ah -- that's what they were saying, that if you stay three months you get nine grand.
Random BB thought: they didn't show Daniele's bday party, did they? And did anyone care that she lied about her age the first day?
They showed her getting a b-day card from Nick, no? And I'm not sure that anyone ever found out that she lied about being 21, but really, why would they care?
Yeah, I was just curious, because usually a birthday is a nice happy filler thing for BB. I guess they were too busy showing Jen get BURNED WITH CIGARETTES.
From Keckler's TC recap:
Some would say that bread pudding was invented as soon as the first loaf of bread staled in ancient times, but since "bread pudding" has also come to mean different things, it's impossible to tell. So, I won't quibble overmuch with Hung's eight hundred year idea, but mainly because I like the idea that the first recipe for bread pudding was written on the back of the Magna Carta.
Design Star:
I think Kim was the clear winner tonight. Todd - whew. Could he BE any more grating?
I don't know. . . I mean, to me there was no surprise in either room. They both used color palettes they've used before, Todd did another ocean themed room and I just felt bored with them both. I think that I wouldn't necessarily watch a show with either. I will say that I think Kim is more to the taste of most people and Todd is more original in the way he uses space. Neither of those things are new observations either.
Did you guys watch Vern's show afterwards?
I'm kind of watching - mostly I want to see the reveal.
I mean, to me there was no surprise in either room.
This comes back to my complaint about this season. I saw a lot of decorating but not much in the way of design. So they can paint and buy stuff. There wasn't any innovation.
Though maybe rolling out of bed into your kitchen will be the hot new trend of 2008.
I do prefer Kim's hosting style. Todd just jumps up and down on my very last nerve. Dude.
ETA: Thanks, sumi! I'd forgotten that Vern's new show was on. I've scheduled the 2 am repeat on my DVR.