This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
TC: Yeah, I could be talked into that, brenda. I forgot to read Bourdain's blog. Lemme go do that now.
Also it seems clear now and at the beginning that Hung had some real skills, it just was getting covered up by the persona. Which I think it really was, as he seems to have settled down now. Didn't he mention in the first episode that he sort of intended to be the asshole? But since then he's encountered an actual asshole, so maybe it doesn't seem like such a good idea to him anymore.
I think he does have a good bit of actual arrogance, but if that can be tempered into pride of workmanship, that could end up being a good thing.
He whipped through those chickens, like whoa. Casey was painful with those onions, I could have done a better job easily. I felt slightly better about it because winning the challenge didn't really seem to help them. Frankly, having Stephen talk wine to me woud have been a detriment, not a help. I would have commented on the annoying sommelier.
Colicchio's face when Hung was chopping the chickens was priceless. Oh, and ITA on Stephen. That would've driven me up the wall.
Hee. In the grand tradition of awesome episodes that contribute to my actual culinary knowledge, I rewound a couple of times for how to cut those onions. And possibly also how not to.
Hung was too fast to be helpful to me. I still am afraid of complete chickens. Not in a David Boreanaz way.
I think that DB would love watching Hung deal with chickens. It might even be therapeutic.
Okay - I need Dale to stay in as long as possible. I love his confessionals and he totally handled Ciccone and Stephen perfectly.
Liese - also realize that she was using a dull knife. A knife she should have sharpened at the end of the previous night so that it was ready to go when she needed it again, but dull none the less.
Right. She knew that she had to cook that day -- and she used two wrong and dull knives.
Liese - also realize that she was using a dull knife. A knife she should have sharpened at the end of the previous night so that it was ready to go when she needed it again, but dull none the less.
yeah, but her technique was crappy. She was sawing at those onions. Even my crappy Henckles "eversharp" would have done better.
Huh. That reminds me. I need to sharpen my knives. I was so used to having el-cheapo all serrated knives that I don't always remember, now that I have a reasonable set.
See? Watching television is good for you!
You know, skimming the posts about shows I don't watch leads to some interesting readings ... I went from BB, and Evil Dick, to "he went through those chickens" ... which may have been more entertaining than either of the shows really was.