If they had to do the same menus, I don't think I'd see the point. The menu was half the problem to begin with. Actually, that goes for all of it, except for the composition of the teams.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
You know, it would be excellent to wind up with two African American winners and I like Tre better than Rock.
I think that they could makes some changes otherwise there would be no point and they might as well have named Rest. April the winners and canned Howie or Sara.
I've liked Dale well enough but picking scented candles? And then saying that he didn't have a good sense of smell??? Crazy! I guess he was just trying to make excuses.
I love that they are having a do-over. That seems like it would be an important quality to determine in a Top Chef -- figuring out how they respond to a bad review.
Yes -- it does.
I'm just so longing for Howie to be eliminated. I will be really disappointed that he doesn't go. And I am a little bit disappointed for Hung that he didn't finally get an elimination challenge win.
The extra for next week is already up I'm now a bit worried for CJ - it seems to feature him.
I've liked Dale well enough but picking scented candles? And then saying that he didn't have a good sense of smell???
This. Plus, isn't a good sense of smell important for a chef? I mean - as a judge that comment would put me off no matter what else he ends up cooking, and I like the dude.
I'd have rather heard him say that they didn't realize how strong the candles were in the store - competing scents can be overwhelming when shopping - but they should have caught it as soon as they were in their dining space.
As for Brian - I think he was completely rattled when the judges showed up and they were the first table to be served. The team had no chance to settle into service or work out anything - they had to be spot on from the git-go, while the other team had more of a chance to get in a routine.
Brian was not prepared. I can't believe that they didn't wash the dishes first.
At least they didn't have stickers on them.
Gawker on Top Chef: [link]
Top Chef: OMG! I knew the dishes were going to be an issue because they didn't give any attention to them, which items were being chosen, and we didn't see any prep. Of course, because they didn't wash them! Hello! Wash your dishes!
I adore Bourdain more and more every blog. He needs to come to my house and sit on my bed and we'll watch the show and snark together. And then I'll make him risotto without cream. Cream? Are you kidding me? I'm in a current risotto obsession. And mine is always wrong anyway, because I use my Japanese rice for everything. But seriously, Howie, cream?
Brian should get credit, though, for talking Casey down or they would have made a similar mistake. But even if scent were a good idea, they put up umpty million candles. That place must have reeked. Even one candle pretty much permeates the area.
Right now, I would like to see Tre, CJ, & Casey in the finale. I am so over Howie now, although to their credit, apparently he and Sara didn't squabble too much in the kitchen this time.
Gawker feels cheated by the lack of an elim. How do they feel when there are double elims? I'm not too worried about it as far as the integrity of the show goes.
I'm looking forward to the do-over. It'll be really, really interesting to see how things shake out. Who is able to take direction is pivotal.