SYTYCD: I've been kind of assuming Neil would win, because of the little girls, but Lacey's the only one who's never been in the bottom three. Although, Sabra hasn't been since the first week. [link] I was confused by Nigel's "It would be great for a girl to win/it's about America's Favorite /Lacey, you have all these issues" dance.
'War Stories'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
SYTYCD: I wish I'd been able to do the watch-n-post, but I was glad to FF through all the filler. I was really irritated by the craptastic camera work this week. I kept thinking, "will you just keep the @#$! camera still and stop jumping to one view after another so I can see the flow of this damn dance!" Seriously, too many shots where I couldn't see feet or had to figure out the orientation.
That said, I hope that Neil and Danny do the Princes dance on tour.
Kristen - I agree. I was thinking about who got canned the last two challenges: season 1 - Miguel (bad sous cheffing) season 2 - Mikey -- wasn't he FOH?
I think that Tre, Brian and Howie might be the three worst of the day. Sara's lamb didn't help but at least it wasn't burnt or congealed. (I can't believe that Howie defended putting cream in risotto.)
Oh, and I'm imagining that next week they'll have the do-over and an elimination and then, another elimination challenge. Totally possible, right?
I didn't know that Gail used to work for Daniel Boulud.
Kristen, it's hard to say, but they might be bound into the roles they chose before. Or, possibly, one of Brian's many multiple personalities could have come forward and promised the other self will be locked in the psychic attic for the duration of the competition. Still, it seems they're not bound to the menu, as I don't recall anyone serving halibut this episode, so who knows.
I though Casey handled having to be the stunt Brian pretty well. "Oh, I was just inbetween things." Big smile.
She was fooling nobody, but hey, whattaya do? Once in a while, your maitre de is curled up fetal in a corner, rocking back and forth, sucking his thumb, muttering "don't lock me on the HSN, don't lock me on the HSN."
season 1 - Miguel (bad sous cheffing)
"What does your jacket say? It doesn't say Top Sous Chef, does it?"
ETA: victor, are you reading the TWOP recaps? The many multiple personalities of Brian are a recurring theme. (hee.)
Yeah, and you know, it's funny. Brian doesn't really blip much on my radar on first watch, but then I'll read the recap, and inevitably catch most of the episode again before the new one starts, and lo and behold, the crazy is front and center!
I thought that Hung really should have been doing more cooking but I think that Sara and Howie "volunteered" to cook because they prefer it and not for the best interest of their team.
In fact, Howie should have gone with Dale because he actually has a restaurant. (I don't get why Hung agree with Dale about the candles -- that's totally ridiculous.)
And I wasn't really noticing the crazy either until it was pointed out to me. It's a little like rewatching a mystery and seeing all of the clues you missed.
Speaking of Brian, I think we saw him at the Omni San Diego. He was walking through the lobby in his chef's jacket with someone. (At least, I think it was Brian. It was some TC person. I remembered it more clearly two weeks ago.)
Well, that's the place to see him. I keep having vague thoughts that I've seen C.J. somewhere around Orange County in the past, but it might have been some other unbelievably huge person.
Speaking of C.J., I was terrified for him the entire episode as soon as he didn't get immunity. Even though he didn't really seem to do anything wrong during the episode (artichokes are many people's bane) his head was so very much on the chopping block if his team fowled up.
He's cemented his place as my favorite. Aside from the both being from O.C. thing, I imagine that I'd handle myself pretty much the same way in those circumstances. The sarcasm would just flow.