I love Pasha, but he didn't do well on last week's dances, so I'm not surprised to see him go. Now, it's easy-peasy for me. But I erased what I was posting, because I've become superstitious and I don't want to jinx anything.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
I love Pasha and wish he had made it into the finale over Neil, but last week he had hip-hop (which he did quite well with for a ballroom dancer . . . and that qualifier right there is the problem). Also, the hip-hop was not Dave Scott's finest hour as a choreographer. Lacey standing around posing for the entire first half of the routine and Pasha trying to hit her up from behind do not an exciting routine make. It was one of the better S3 hip-hops, unfortunately, but it didn't hold a candle to the Jimmy/Shauna routine (minus the sad attempt at stepping) or to Jesus and Sara's krumping.
The second dance was far superior in terms of both choreography and execution. It was really quite lovely. But waltz is never gonna be the thing that gets those fingers dialing for this show. And finally, he had his really weird (Some might even say creepy. Some might include me) solo dance with the dress form. In the meantime, Neil had his best night ever, which admittedly is judged on the Neil Curve 'o Suck. But add the fact that he didn't totally reek in his solo, did passably well in a great jazz routine by Mandy Moore and wore leather pants in the Paso (for the ladies) and that adds up to another solid night for the hunchback. And Danny's fans have been in overdrive trying to keep him afloat in the competition. Heck, even I voted for the first time last week to try to keep him in and I thought his disco with Lauren blew chunks and was poorly danced (which is a first for him). I just think Pasha had a good week when he needed a great one.
As for picking a winner, who knows? I would love for it to be Danny, but I truly think his negatives are too high. I'm just glad I'll get to see him on Wednesday.
Good analysis, kat. And some might also include me. Gave me shivers, and not in a good way.
Love Danny. Love Sabra more.
I thought his disco with Lauren blew chunks and was poorly danced (which is a first for him).
amen. It was terrible. they rushed the moves and didn"t work well together at all.
I thought his disco with Lauren blew chunks and was poorly danced (which is a first for him).
I still think Lauren has to take a lot of the blame -- every time they showed him hoisting her as dead weight over his head I cringe and think "heave-ho". And by "ho" I mean Lauren.
I would be okay with Sabra winning this over Danny. I could understand why she'd be America's favorite because she's got charisma, and a good underdog story.
Speaking of which, last night was the first night I noticed Cat saying this was a competition to be America's favorite dancer rather than America's best dancer. Have I just been fast forwarding through that all these weeks?
TC: So, Rock's new salary is $250K per year?
ETA: By TC, I clearly meant HK.
I still think Lauren has to take a lot of the blame -- every time they showed him hoisting her as dead weight over his head I cringe and think "heave-ho". And by "ho" I mean Lauren.
I am happy to blame the shittiness on Lauren.
Speaking of which, last night was the first night I noticed Cat saying this was a competition to be America's favorite dancer rather than America's best dancer. Have I just been fast forwarding through that all these weeks?
Yeah, she's been saying it all along. And I think that's what Danny really had to get. I'm sure he's the BEST dancer up there, but it took him relaxing (and getting beaten down some for a while) to make him a favorite.
SYTYCD: Wasn't surprised at all at the results given Neil's performance last week. He's really been on an upswing. My housemate totally called this one, which cracks me up given his initial reaction to my wanting to Tivo this show. I'm very happy Lauren's out although Lacey is starting to bug me more and more.
I loved Daniel's description at TWOP of the opening dance: "The routine can best be described as A Midsummer Night's Swamp Thriller. The dancers are dressed in tattered rags of various shades of moldy and mottled green. They fight their way out from under a net to start, as fog spills over the stage, and proceed to spend the next couple of minutes hopping and kicking and shaking like various undead creatures in search of fresh brains. The women jump on the men's backs and ride them for a while. Tongues get poked out. Do I even need to tell you this was Wade Robson's piece?"
hee! I came in about a minute late, and I took one look at the dance, the costumes, and the lighting, and thought, "This is a Wade Robson dance." Lo and behold, it was. Wade needs to be careful about being too wedded to his style.