sYTYCD - I thought Pasha was really good, they weren't in synch like they should have been. Lacey didn't mug for the camera and kept a flat face that was good.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Yay! Pasha killed that routine. Go ballroom boy dancin' hip hop.
Sabra solo - Lovely and amazing. She's such a pretty dancer. 4 years??? Daaaammmn.
Danny with his shirt off again = Happy kat!
I loved the hip hop tonight! Very cute routine and Pasha did a great job. I felt a little sorry for Lacey, because she ended up mostly posing. But what she did do, she did quite well.
I missed Danny and Lauren pulling dances. Is this one of Mia's?
That looked like a very difficult routine. And I'm very surprised that Lauren managed to keep up with Danny. Color me impressed.
How? How could you have two dancers of that calibre (don't like Lauren, but she has great technique) and spend half the routine running around the stage?
It was beautifully danced. Damn. Have to give it up to gulp Lauren. Did not like the choreo, but was amazing.
ETA: Pasha is really trying to bring it with his solos and escape that ballroom curse. That said, I didn't really get it. Thought it was a little bit weird. But I love Pasha anyway.
I'll be in my bunk.
That was pretty cool. I love Sabra. I can stand Neil.
Amazing choreography! Wow. One of my favorite dances of the season. I have to say, though, I did notice some flaws in Sabra's technique there, a little wobbly on some of the turns. The feckless hunchback turned it out. My goodness.
ETA: Gah! Frikkin' Lauren. Why would she pick this week to actually show some of the talent that the judges have been insisting that she's had all along? I still want her to go home and take her smug, annoying personality with her. But that was a good solo. And not even good for her, just good. That last double (triple?) pirouette was gorgeous and she showed amazing control. Rassenfrassinrabblerebble.
I have to rate it thus far:
Neil/Sabra had better choreography but Danny/Lauren had stronger technique.