I liked Jamie WAY better than Lauren. I think that Sabra's going to take it all.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
BB: How nice is it that there's finally an HoH that's (relatively) normal?
Who do you think he's going to nominate (other than probably Jen)
I liked Jamie WAY better than Lauren. I think that Sabra's going to take it all.
I am Vortex. If Sabra doesn't win it, I'll be surprised. I liked Jamie better than Lauren, and was shocked that Sara wasn't in the bottom 2. Also, I liked Kam better than Dominic. Totally shocked that Pasha wasn't in the bottom 2.
I liked Jamie better than Lauren, and was shocked that Sara wasn't in the bottom 2. Also, I liked Kam better than Dominic. Totally shocked that Pasha wasn't in the bottom 2.
I think that Pasha and Sara are benefitting from the general popularity that they have had since the beginning. I know that I've liked Sara since early on, even though I know she's not the best dancer. I just like watching her. Just like for whatever reason, I didn't like Anya. I'm sad that Jamie's gone though. She was really talented.
I think that Pasha and Sara are benefitting from the general popularity that they have had since the beginning.
Absolutely. I think after this week, it's definitely going to be a far tighter race for everyone.
I really liked Jaimie, except that she relied on that (adimittedly incredible) vertical split too much during her solos. Just as Neil turns into a wind up toy; fun to watch, but we don't have a judges panel with two numbers and a decimal point, dude. Dance!
I think that Sabra's going to take it all.
Me too. I hope so.
I liked Jaime better than Lauren last night, but I liked Lauren better the night before. Overall, I actually like Lauren better, although I grant that the Asian comment was thoughtless, insensitive, and stoopid. I totally understand Sara not being in the bottom, though. I think she consistently shows more personality than either Lauren or Jaime. Maybe even more than Sabra. And I think lots of folks vote more on personality than skill, barring glaring mistakes.
And I think lots of folks vote more on personality than skill, barring glaring mistakes.
Oh, definitely, or Pasha would have been in the bottom two last night. While the hip-hop routine was fairly well done, his solo was way weak. But the girls really like him. Plus, I have to admit I voted for Dominic even though he was very weak in the waltz. I just wanted to see him get another chance because I felt a lot of the problem was the choreography. If he goes next week, c'est la vie.
I think the majority of the problem was the choreography. Adding a Spanish flair to a Viennese waltz works for showcases where you're not going to be judged on anything, but I think it was ridiculous and ill-conceived for SYTYCD, especially given the demo the ratings are playing to. What screaming fifteen year old girl knows Man of La Mancha? Please.
Jamie and Dom were totally screwed on that waltz. The music was wrong the choreography was bad and the costume Jaimie had to wear was terrible.