30 feet, by people with bodies like Plastic Man, and with a nice running start and good form.
I think 10 feet is reasonable. Stupid place to test...it's not so much about good form and running start as much as it's about a physical configuration tailored to the long jump. One slip on the foot and...well, there's probably a reason they don't have the competitions over a pit.
I need a new bookcase. But I want a new TV.
I need either a new bookcase (for the still-to-be-shelved), or a half a dozen new bookcases (for above, plus replacing some I don't like). But then, I don't remember ever not needing new bookcases. They're like heroin, but heavier to move.
I am starting the antibiotics for Lyme tonight. I decided to not wait on the blood work. I am EXTREMELY achy and lethargic and have a headache now going on 3 days - I never have headaches, so something is clearly up and I need to feel less like crap by week's end.
I'm curious how the guy fell into the shaft. Assuming he was capable of a 10 foot jump, maybe he landed wrong and fell backwards?
When I was in college, an elevator in a dorm got stuck between floors. The students inside pried the doors open and jumped down to the floor below. A drunk student made the jump, but then fall backwards down the elevator shaft and was killed.
Dunno why, but I'm kinda' morbidly fascinated with such accidents.
I hope the antibiotics help quick, msbelle.
Poor msbelle! I hope you have relief soon.
Also, for some reason I can find free dressers all the time here, on the side of the road, but never any shelves! Please Rochester peeps, keep the dressers and throw out your unwanted bookcases! I am almost at the limit for dressers in a 1 bedroom apt (four).
Assuming he was capable of a 10 foot jump, maybe he landed wrong and fell backwards?
If your foot slips I think it would be really easy to not make a 10 foot jump if you're capable of twice that.
I am EXTREMELY achy and lethargic and have a headache now going on 3 days - I never have headaches, so something is clearly up and I need to feel less like crap by week's end.
Oy. At least I have no responsibility when body makes me hide from the world. I hope that it is Lyme's meaning you're on the meds that will fix this.
Changed my wallpaper to a nice Jamaican coastline. I need to remember to change it once a week. Perks the mood. And after this past weekend, I do need it.
Curiously, I have a nice solid wood bookshelf with adjustable shelves that we have to get rid of to make room for the crib.
The adjustable shelves are great - you use little metal pegs. So I've got the bottom shelves set for the oversized books, and the top shelf holds CDs.
Unfortunately, Sophia doesn't live near me.
Oh msbelle, I'm so glad. I've been worrying about you. Definitely glad you're just going to treat the nasty bugger; it sounds like a classic tickborne illness.