I've gotten three compliments on my dress so far today, one from a stranger in the street who wound down her window to ask me where I got it.
Pity I told her the wrong store name. Brain fart. Still, it's last year's dress, so she wasn't going to find it anyway.
If both Bush and Cheney went, isn't Pelosi the next in line for the presidency?
Women within heart beats of "ultimate" power . . . I wonder how many whackaloons are saying, "Yes, Bush is evil, and Cheney is Sauron in disguise, but we can't let a woman be in charge! Hold off till the election, don't get rid of anybody now!"
If both Bush and Cheney went, isn't Pelosi the next in line for the presidency?
Thinking bad thoughts, thinking bad thoughts...
Thinking bad thoughts, thinking bad thoughts...
I resent the current administration for making me think, "Go Team Cancer!"
Thinking bad thoughts, thinking bad thoughts...
I've been thinking them since the Dems took congress.
Really, Cheney's got a dicky (heh) heart anyway . . . I know how tricksy those things can be . . . it doesn't have to be that debilitating, just enough for his docs to say, "OK, Darth Cheney, your power or your life. The stress of world domination or living long enough to convince your gay daughter's kid that you're not the anti-Christ--ok, trick question, long enough for her to learn how to pronounce Grandpa."
I've gotten three compliments on my dress so far today, one from a stranger in the street who wound down her window to ask me where I got it.
Is this the black with white emboidery? I remember thinking last night that it sounded pretty.
I cannot tell a lie. All the lolcats in the world can't make me cry with laughter, but for some reason, I found a lolthing that works:
(Hope that link is right.)