Details, man!
Huge, honking Traveller spoilers:
Program opens with a 3-way Mexican standoff between the black FBI agent and the three boys. The 3 boys decide to team up, (even though they don't really trust Will), and run off, with the black FBI agent firing at them. They go and hide in a store in Chinatown, where the tall, dark-haired boy beats the shit out of Will, which is weird because Will is like a super-Ninja or something. It turns out the black FBI agent winged Will.
Back in front of the club the boss FBI guy is pissed that everyone got away, arrests the girlfriend, and puts BFBIA on desk duty.
Back in the store, Will convinces the two boys that they have to go back to the rich-boy's car (now in FBI impound), and retrieve the painting that Will stole, hidden in the floorboard. They will use that as a bargaining chip when they confront the scary blue-eyed guy.
On desk duty, the black FBI agent researches everything that the tall dark-haired boy told him before he ran away, and goes to the home of some Insurance guy to talk about stock sales. When she's there, the guy gets a phone call on his cell, goes in to the kitchen, and returns with a gun and starts firing. The BFBIA returns fire and kills the guy. His cell phone is saved as evidence, and she asks to get the phone # of the last number called.
Meanwhile, the Hispanic FBI agent reviews footage of the rich-boy's father, and sees the rich-boy in the background. He reports that to his boss, and the boss decides to arrest the father. They go to some snooty social club, and arrest him. While they were walking out, the white-haired bad guy shows up, and shoots the father. The HFBIA chases the white-haired guy, and finally gets the drop on him in an abandoned building. As he goes to handcuff him, the boss FBI guy shows up behind him and shoots and kills the Hispanic FBI agent! The boss is a bad guy too, in cahoots with the white-haired guy!
The black FBI agent is later back at the office, mourning the death of her partner, when the evidence guy comes back to her with the phone # of the person who talked to the guy who tried to kill her. She calls it, and her boss picks up! She realizes that her boss wants her dead!
Meanwhile, the three boys kidnap the creepy blue-eyed guy, and record him while they get him to confess. They go in the creepy blue-eyed guy's limo and leave him in front of the offices of a newspaper, call the newspaper and tell them to come down and get their story. The creepy blue-eyed guy mutters something about the "4th branch", which I guess was supposed to set up season 2.
As they walk away, the limo blows up. The End. Lame.
Yeah, you're right -- reasonable potential through the 3/4 mark, and then bleah on the ending.
Thanks for the details!
well, only if you killed him.
While I think I am capable of homicide before I've had coffee and beaten back my inner sociopath, I was thinking more along the lines of, "Crap, what do I do? Call 911? Say, uh, hey, there seems to be a dead body by the entrance to Lakeshore Drive? Do I have to stick around until the cops get here? It's kind of callous of me to think about being late for work, huh."
It's kind of callous of me to think about being late for work, huh."
I thought "well, it's not like he would mind", and then "talk about callous"
But think about making that phone call to work "hey, I'm going to be late, cause I found a dead body, and I have to wait for the cops . . . no, I didn't have anything to do with it"
Oh my god. I'm in the middle of this crazy-ass, enormous project with a potential client. I think I've quoted them before, but this one reaches new heights of almost willful obtuseness. I'm starting to think it's performance art.
Us: We need some clarification with regard to classifications of yadda yadda. On [very important spread sheet with very important data that involves major amounts of money], 85% of the cells are blank, and the remainder are listed as [standard industry term] and [non-standard industry term but we assume it means X]. Please clarify what we should assume the blank ones are.
Them: Please assume blank cells indicate "no information provided."
Call on the cell phone to report it, and then hang up before they can trace your call!
Some guys are up on ladders banging around in the ceiling here (Legs! Legs in new places!) and a huge cloud of dust just floated down over my desk. Thanks, guys. Do you wonder why I'm sneezing? Also, it stinks. I long to work from home.
After looking at the nominations:
If there's one Emmy that FNL should get, it's Outstanding Casting.
Sadly, I watch only one each of the series nominated for Best Drama and Best Comedy.
Re: Traveller spoilers:
. The creepy blue-eyed guy mutters something about the "4th branch", which I guess was supposed to set up season 2.
Aha! Dick Cheney's the Big Bad of the show
The latest on Teddy. His creatine and phosphorus are back down. High, but not extremely so. His red blood count is up a little, but it turns out that the vet had undercalculated the Epogen dosage, and he didn't get a regular dose until Sunday -- too late to have a big effect by Tuesday evening. Calcium levels are normal.
The big worry now is that his appetite and weight aren't increasing. The vet thinks it's one of two things -- either his anemia is affecting his energy and appetite, or he has a stomach problem like an ulcer.
So we're cutting the prednisone back from every other day to twice a week (part of weaning him off it) and increasing the Pepcid to every night. And since prednisone may increase dehydration, I for one hope that reducing the prednisone will reduce the need for fluids.
There are some noises that make it impossible for me to think, or even keep my brain in a rational place. The king daddy sound is a drill.
When i hear a drill, my body's fight or flight goes into overdrive, and I feel like how an angry hornet must feel. I must kill the source of the noise.
The construction people outside my window, drilling into my wall, must be destroyed.