If this happens, I'm shoving Kevin Sorbo between the two groups. Just watch me.
That would be awesome.
"Daniel came back from the dead!"
"So did Spike!"
"Daniel saved the world!"
"So did Spike!"
"Hi, I'm Kevin Sorbo. I played TV's Hercules. Who also died and saved the world. Would you like an autograph?"
One of my (many) cognitive disconnects with fandom is that Michael Shanks is the name of a scholar of archaeological theory whose work I read frequently when I was a graduate student. As you can see from his home page at Stanford ( [link] ), he would not be the first choice to cast in a TV show.
Whoot! I presold another 46 books last week.
No, it's perfect! Daniel Jackson is an archaeologist. Sort of.
But does he write post-modernist theory and do *performance works* related to archaeology?
Also, is he better looking?
An archaeologist with a leg holster.
Unrelatedly, I need to work out how to get my heart rate down.
Also, is he better looking?
Weirdly, I find the Actual Archaeologist hotter.
Honey, we know you're weird.
So what did people do this weekend?
(see ita, I don't always ask the same question.)
24 related question: I'm pretty sure I saw the name
Michael Shanks
in the credits of the finale. Was I hallucinating? Who did he play? I never watched more than a coupld of the
Stargate shows
so I wouldn't have recognized him without trying to notice him, and I forgot about it later.