Wait, so why are the Germans boycotting?
Apparently, the networks involved had considered not broadcasting the Tour at all this year, after all the recent doping stuff -- and reserved the right to drop it if any doping came up during the race. [link]
Or are they just embarrassed?
So, yeah, you could kinda say this. But more by the sport than the nationality of the accused.
(Ironically enough, T-Mobile has really taken the lead on cleaning things up compared to a lot of other teams -- their team contracts are much tougher on doping violations than the federation requires and so on. Not that it's made much difference, but...)
In other sports news, I found out while hunting down the German TV boycott details that my Phillies are the first 10,000-game losers ever! Is it any great surprise that my sports affections tend toward the tragic and unpopular?