God, it is nearly impossible for me to do any work this week. Most of the higher-ups are out of pocket most of the week, it's sleepy weather, and I'm just not in the mood. Of course there are things I could do in the absence of higher-ups, but just... eh.
I am once again contemplating taking a week off to stay at home. Oh! There's something semi-useful I could do: figure out my leave balance. Because god forbid it should be automated or provided to me in any way.
There's a new science blog on the block. I just love the name: Angry Toxicologist
That sucks. Well, blows, actually. Be nice to your nose.
Neti Pot! it's weird but it works!
Nah, I just like walling up NY in my brain...
I can't believe I have to arrange for pole dancing classes. Or maybe what I can't believe is that there's no point in picking a place without talking to the krav employees that take classes.
I'm really having a low IQ week. Damned shame, that.
I'm really having a low IQ week. Damned shame, that.
ita has the dumb. I hope it's not infectious.
ita has the dumb. I hope it's not infectious.
gnar gnar whiffle winky-doo....
Snake Plissken and I are both shorter than you'd expect, but it just makes it more convenient for us to punch people in the crotch.