Anyone read this book yet?
Kristen, I know the Language Log writers -- linguists of various accredited stripes -- think Louann Brizendine is either an incredibly clever moron or a serious fraud. They've picked that book to pieces over the last year or so, bit by bit as they find things they dislike; the most damning one I can recall is instances of her making an assertion in the text and endnoting it, and then the endnote reference turning out not to support the assertion, or even necessarily be on the same topic.
That link will take you to all the times she's been mentioned on that blog.
Kristen, I know the Language Log writers -- linguists of various accredited stripes -- think Louann Brizendine is either an incredibly clever moron or a serious fraud. They've picked that book to pieces over the last year or so, bit by bit as they find things they dislike; the most damning one I can recall is instances of her making an assertion in the text and endnoting it, and then the endnote reference turning out not to support the assertion, or even necessarily be on the same topic.
Oh crap. Well I'm reading about it for school (it was one of the options for our mandatory book group when we get back), and I was hoping it might actually be interesting and plausible, even if controversial.
Sigh. Oh well, guess I'll read it with a bigger grain of salt than I'd planned.
Oh, here's a good summation/wrapup/disproof of the claim Birzendine is famous for making: that women communicate (speak more words, make more communicative gestures) than men. [link]
The top of the essay is experimental proof that she is talking out of her hat (or rather, sloppily citing others who are talking out of their hats); the bottom of the essay provides links to other specific Brizendine-unfriendly essays.
My parents are stuck at the airport, trying to go to New York. Two flights have been canceled on them.
Maybe NY has been sectioned off to make it a walled prison island.
Or did you mean the state?
I think it's raining. Not a prison.
Maybe NY has been sectioned off to make it a walled prison island.
Where's Kurt Russell when you need him?
That's better. It mightn't increase their chances of getting in, but certainly ups the chances of you ever seeing them again without Snake's intervention.
They had theater tickets tonight, too.