We missed the torrential downpours here--they were all happening along the Mississippi River near Galena last night, including flash floods that swept away houses and cars!
Boss just called; she had no idea that the phone situation was that fucked up. Good thing is that I should be getting a work laptop soon, bad thing is that means that days like today I'll be working from home, and not able to just veg. Feh.
Did anyone post about the rugby player who was having these eye infections and headaches? Turned out he had the tooth of another player embedded in his skull.
OK, that is kind of awesome in that "will never buy his own pint again" way.
I googled the rugby tooth skull guy....
“I can laugh about it now, but the doctor told me it could have been serious, with teeth carrying germs,” Czislowski said.
“I’ve got the tooth at home, sitting on the bedside table,” he said. “If he (Austin) wants it back he can have it. I’m keeping it at the moment as proof that it actually happened.”
"I feel so lucky that the worst that I got out of it was that my head looked uglier than it does normally."
Heh. Rugby players are awesome!
News from
New minions!
Is it time to propose TV drama yet?
edit: Now with added spoiler font!
Extremely Rare And Beautiful Pink Dolphin Spotted
I see it wisely waited until Jerry Falwell was gone before making a public appearance.
News from House!
connie, I love you, but spoiler font is your friend! (Or, at least it's my friend.)
I'm not surprised, just... I didn't realize I cared until just now!
(And here I thought I was an unrepentant spoiler ho...)
Oh, man! Not that I've ever been, but São Paulo is a hilly mofo
also a ginormous city, so I hope they take measures to fix that freaking runway. I mean, damn, São Paulo is like New York huge.
I have no idea why all this LOLCrap still amuses me...
This disturbing bit of medical science is from 1935:
“Thinking” Brain Removed
LIKE a fairy tale of medicine is the description of an operation which removed nearly the entire “thinking” portion of a woman’s brain, changing her entire personality. For the first year after the operation the woman was almost childishly gay and happy. Later came more mature changes, which improved her power of concentration, memory, and endurance. The right prefrontal lobe and most of the left lobe of the brain were removed by Dr. Glen Spurling of Louisville University’s School of Medicine.
That's all there is, so we don't know why this operation was done....