Then he turned to me, and the very first question he asked was, "Tell me, Tom, why do you want to work for us?"
What do you say at that point?
"I've been struggling with the choice of whether or not to end my own life, and I think working for your company will be just the ticket to help me make my mind up for good."
mac wanting to take his pants off is such perfect kid.
Pictures of Allyson's visit with the noodles.
Nooodles!! They're looking awesome, Lori.
Grace and Noah are totally stylin' in their onesies! And the "Grace plotting something" picture killed me ded. So cute.
Kat, glad the box got there.
So grateful for all of the Grace & Noah pictures. They remain daily in my thoughts and prayers. It is beautiful seeing them surrounded with so much love. Go noodles!
ignoring scary parents
Next time I have a delayed flight, I'm taking my pants off, too.
I kinda want to tag this.
My caption for this is along the lines of "There's a great big hand on the other side of me. You guys see it, right? It's not just my imagination?"
Today tired me out, and I didn't do anything. Of course, I've had precious few calories this weekend, so that might be related. But I'm actually turning off my cell phone so I don't find out if my text invite to dinner will be returned--I don't even want to be tempted. Plus I'm still feeling self-conscious about yesterday's ER trip.
mac wanting to take his pants off is such perfect kid.
Oh, yes.
Lori's pictures of The noodles and Auntie Allyson have killed me with their cuteness.
Kat, you have such tiny, delicate hands.