It's always amazed me since I learned of it that many Baptist churches celebrate the Eucharist with... grape juice?
There are times when I am very glad I attended a church towards the liberal-end of the Presbyterian spectrum in my youth, because we were actually expected to think.
I missed a leap in here somewhere. Where does the non-thinking come in?
bear naked granola
Baby giant manta ray! [link] Some things don't need to be born cute.
Post 'n' run:
Happy, happy birthday Cass! May you have pretty men and pretty cars on your TV all day.
Happy Father's Day to the Buff-dads, new and old!
I missed a leap in here somewhere. Where does the non-thinking come in?
Instead of taking it all on faith, so to speak. Feeling free to speak up and ask if a particular practice makes any sense, like substituting grape juice for what clearly was intended to be wine. Thinking about whether transubstantiation is literal or symbolic (and being respectful of other's opinions about it).
Cindy, it sounds like you did exactly what needs to be done. And with the bonus of not having to wait in the ER with the other sick folk.
TIRED. All in favor of a nap raise your hand.
Giant baby manta ray (not, as I typed, mantra ray.) is so cool.
May you have pretty men and pretty cars on your TV all day.
Actually, I do. Formula One was in Indy and I've time shifted the last few hours of LeMans because of that pesky sleep thing. But I keep thinking of you as various awesome drivers show up on tv.
TIRED. All in favor of a nap raise your hand.
::raises hand::
Nap. Excellent idea. Then I have to dye my hair, because the grey is becoming way too powerful.
raises hand
Instead of taking it all on faith, so to speak. Feeling free to speak up and ask if a particular practice makes any sense, like substituting grape juice for what clearly was intended to be wine. Thinking about whether transubstantiation is literal or symbolic (and being respectful of other's opinions about it).
I think that has more to do with an individual church (or sometimes individual pastors) than the denomination. At least that's been my experience being raised a Baptist.
like substituting grape juice for what clearly was intended to be wine.
"Intended to be"? Was, no doubt, but all denominations make choices about what's going to be literal and what's symbolic or can be changed to fit the current needs. Like eating shellfish.
I'll admit, wine is a central part of my sense of communion, and I always found the idea of grape juice instead bizarre on a personal "but that's not real communion!" level. But it's not like I'm insisting on the exact kind of bread they were eating, either.
Hil, you're so lucky to have farmer's market on a weekend!
My town has it Thursdays from Noon-6pm - and I always miss it. Particularly when our summer hours start (tomorrow) and I work 'til 5:30.
IO Food news: check out these cupcakes -- want one now.