This conversation is funny. If church served pot brownies, I might even go.
I can see why any form of bread would be a more acceptable substitution for the wafer than any kind of dessert. Jesus said, "This bread is my body, take of it and eat," not "This brownie is like, totally my body, dudes!"
Seriously, though, if through the grace of God you can transubstantiate 'bread' it shouldn't matter what you use, because miracles is miracles.
Also in terms of contemporary cuisine, bread and wine were the humblest and commonest foodstuffs of their day -- the equivalent of today's coffee and donuts.
Now I'm imagining communion with coffee and donuts.
Take, drink, this is my blood. And if you were up too late last night, drink some more....
communion of coffee and donuts would make mac very happy.
Happy Birthday Cass.
I'm sure they'd get more people coming to church regularly with coffee and donuts. But there'd be the inevitable donut schisms: powdered suger vs. regular sugar, plain vs. dipped, old fashioned vs. sour cream. And crullers! My god, the Crullers!
Birthday Happies for Cass!!!
edit because I had a massive brain fart and wished Sue a happy b-day. Thus starting the rumor you see below....
Very good for them. Does Simpson, I wonder, need to backpay what was already given to him?
I have to input grades today and then I am done with school. Done done, and yet still forced to attend.
Grace is on a hospital OR schedule for monday, though they won't have confirmation of a diagnosis requiring surgery until that time (and frankly @@). Do I take the day off because if the results do come back positive she'll have surgery and I'll need to go to sign papers etc or do I go to work because there has been no report from pathology?
Sometimes I feel lke I'm dealing not with one Dr. House, but an entire hospital of them. Plus their damn residents.
Yesterday, one of the baby doctors at the hospital was at Grace's bedside durng rounds. Chewing gum. Blew a bubble even.
If the three of us don't get staph infections from that goddamn place it will be a miracle.