Don't really know. The stone around my wood-burning stone. It's flat, red, and semi-finished, at best. That's as much thought as I've given it in the past.
Sort of a combination of the drug-induced traditions of other cultures and the mystical experience of the eucharist? I could see that. Oddly, it's the "brownie" bit that is, to me, the most "no, that won't work."
Well, I'm sure one could bake some sort of magical savory biscuit thing.
I mean, my in-laws' church does pita bread.
I was about to say that you could have bread or brownies instead of the wafer.
Oh, bread doesn't ping me as wrong.
But doing communion with brownies, or cookies, or pie just seems...wrong.
Or maybe instead of traditional communion, you could have a potluck table set up in back of the church. (sorry for the pun) You would have to plan on the congregation having the munchies, after all.
This is true, you would!
One would want mellow, mild stuff like they had in the 60s. Today's weed is just too strong.
Oh, definitely. You wouldn't want the church ladies (who I picture dressed in flowered dresses, wearing hats) to freak out, after all.
Jesus can be sweet. He just shouldn't be dessert.
Give me a minute and I'll come up with theological justification for that.