Pictures of people looking at goatse for the first time. (Also safe).
What's the best way to get from JFK to your place?
You could take the AirTrain to the Howard Beach station, and then take the A train to my neighborhood, but on a Saturday night, the A train would probably be running local (if at all). It's probably easier to cab it.
I should probably get your address too.
Yay! I've sent off my two uncomfortable emails (about reemployment policy and the fact that I'm probably not registered for this workshop). The replies will probably make me even more uncomfortable, but I hope they also make the senders uncomfortable. Does it not seem reasonable that I should have received SOME sort of information about these things in the last month and a half?
Did a halfway difficult thing. Shouldn't there be some kind of celebration of my first-world wonderfulness? For my next trick, I'll be noble and brave about a broken nail.
Pictures of people looking at goatse for the first time.
The series of this guy is my favorite. Now I'm wondering if a similar thing exists for tubgirl. I'm not brave enough to search.
Bush's watch is stolen while he greets an Albanian crowd. [link] Heh.
Okay, dealing with all that employment stuff has stolen my buzz. Must regain cheerfulness.
Heh. Love the little one rocking out on the piano. And the one with the Hitler mustache.
Oh my, you just made up for about a dozen awful links with that one. Ded from the cute.
Okay, this time I'm REALLY going to go be productive. You'll see.
Mmm, with cookies...