Do you have anything to wear?
Thanks for the guidelines with the letter, guys. I may or may not put kat-like justification in. Still undecided.
Next question up, though: where do I send it? I was all gung ho, but not thinking. I'll make sure insurance gets a copy but I'm really blanking on where to start.
Definitely want, Emily. Practical and all that, I don't know.
On the filing thing, my understanding of a separate section for Mc is that in spoken English, it's often difficult to tell the difference between McXX, MacXX, Macxx, etc. Thus, they are all filed together, separately from the other Ms, so when someone asked for the file, you won't have to figure which spelling. I'm not sure how relevant that is today, but I think that's the reason for the tab.
Yeah - the flag is good. Or the Statue of Liberty.
I like the Statue of Liberty, Stephanie. I think it gets at the good of the US, without as many political overtones. And although I'm not an immigrant, I would think it would resonate especially. As a side note, my dad always gets weepy at the Emma Lazarus poem. He's not generally a very emotional guy, and it's kind of disconcerting.
where do I send it?
insurance; patient ombudsman if there is one; the head of the hospital, and if there is a separate head of Er, there as well.
If you tell/email me the name of the hospital, I can research it and try to put together a list of people and addresses.
Lee, that would rock. Expect an insent in a moment.
Cool. I should have time before I leave, but if not, I can finish it up tonight.
I was gonna say, see if the hospital's web site has a patient advocate/services coordinator/department listed. But Lee's got it covered!
Backflung, ita.
That web site is kind of sucky, but they have a patient relations manager who included her name in her voice mail.
The Office: Saw the indian ep yesterday...Michael can't dance in any culture can he? I suspect that Kelly exaggerated her fling with Ryan to her parents.
In a letter sent to several people, should the cc list go in the bottom left corner?
At least, that's what we do where I work.