ita, I think that letter sounds pretty good - I thought it did a much better job of explaining what happened to you.
eta: I'm not sure this is necessary, but I might add one sentence saying something like, "My purpose in sending this letter is to inform you of the type of treatment I received at your hospital on [date]." Makes the implicit explicit, although that is a matter of style/choice.
ita, I am enraged by your treatment.
Kat, can I come visit Graciegirl on Sunday?
I just got my dad his combo father's day/birthday gift. Three tickets to the zoo, and tickets to Canobie Lake amusement park.
It's stuff he can do with my mom and his grandson, so he should be stoked. I hope.
Oh, one question, ita: Century or Culver?
Excellent letter. Very clear about what happened and why it's a problem.
I think it's a great letter, ita. My usual policy is to cc the known world, including the president, chairman of the board, vp over the area in question and marketing/pr.
Agreeing with everyone else that revised ita-letter is fantastic.
Kat, I'm so sorry that you (and Grace!) are having to deal with idiots at that hospital.
The one time I wrote such a letter, I was told to cc my insurance company. Not that anything ever happened, but I felt I'd made my displeasure clear. Of course, that time I was mostly complaining about excessive inconvenience caused by a policy that I actually entirely understand. Still, I ended up taking about nine hours off work for a fifteen-minute procedure.
In other news, my broken-down furniture is GONE! My old futon and permanently-reclined easy chair were whisked away by my (fantastic) landlord and his son, and now I have tons of space! Plus I cleaned so they wouldn't drown in cat hair, and the place looks... well, not good, but much better than usual! Now to summon up the energy to move all the stuff I stowed in the kitchen back someplace else.
Oh. And read my CTEL book, which I'm supposed to be cramming for. Dammit.
Emily has motivated me to finally get rid of the printer stand that has nothing in or on it except a speaker that can just as easily sit on the floor, but is taking up a three-foot square corner of my living room that I can use for other things. I think I'll put it next to the dumpster tonight--it's in good enough shape that I'm sure it'll be gone by the morning.