Would being taller and having a higher center of gravity negate some of the advantage of having greater weight?
Higher center of gravity isn't much of an advantage. -t is right--reach is the biggest one. But if you don't have speed or strength (muscle or technique) to back it up it's probably the lesser of the three.
Dear Dr. K,
You are an arrogant pustule of a man. Rest assured, your concern over me developing a dependency on narcotics pales in comparison to mine. Mine even came with a game plan, recommended by a specialist. Yours was naked and ass-backwards.
See, when I say "anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, and sub-cutaneous triptan" ... that's my plan. Which has proven effective. I don't really care if you don't find it logical. I'm not there to show you the logic of a treatment plan. Feel free to call Dr. F at any point--whip out your caduceus and have a contest somewhere where I'm not in pain.
Giving me narcotics only and letting me go home is not a plan. Eyerolling and agreeing wearily to administer the anti-histamine is still not a plan. Arguing with the patient? Still on list of things that ARE NOT PLANS.
God, he was a lousy fuck of a man. Assessed me by listening to me talk from one bed over.
Now I know why the nurse was acting all weird. She knew you were a fuckhead too.
So I still have a migraine this morning, and a dramatically weak and sore left shoulder.
My ride took a note of the doctor's name, but I couldn't find it in my apartment this morning.
Maybe purposefully--it's prevented me from drafting an invective-laden letter to the hospital.
There will be a letter. Just perhaps a calmer one.
Dismissive little dicksmear.
The word "big" pinged me too, but she's definitely a damn sight bigger than the woman whose identity she stole. All the more impressive that the victim tailed her so doggedly (and did you see the map? That's one serious hell of a chase to do mostly on foot).
Size difference or not, if I'd been the victim and sitting in that courtroom when the thief turned around
at her sentencing,
smirked and waved at me, it'd have taken several very large and burly officers of the court to keep me from lunging at her and clocking her.
And I do love that the victim's been offered a spot on the SFPD for all the detecting work she did (which is to say, really, the work someone already on the SFPD ought to have been doing).
OMG, ita, what a fuckwad. He
rolled his eyes
at you? Fuck. Wad.
If you can't find the slip of paper with his name on it, the hospital ER will have an on call/attending roster, no problem.
Oh, ita, what a fucking jerk. I hope when you feel better the hospital gets a complaint.
When drafting angry letters, I've found it helps to send copies to top level executives and members of the board who never normally deal with complaints. A visible indication of carbon copy to a lawyer friend might not be a bad idea, either.
A visible indication of carbon copy to a lawyer friend might not be a bad idea, either.
actually, that can sometimes be counterproductive. If they think that you might sue, they may be less inclined to be helpful, for fear of being drawn into the suit. Even if they haven't done anything wrong (and are in fact doing the right thing), they don't want to get involved.
ita, that sucks. Why are so many doctors clueless?
Higher center of gravity isn't much of an advantage. -t is right--reach is the biggest one. But if you don't have speed or strength (muscle or technique) to back it up it's probably the lesser of the three.
I was thinking that in some situations a higher center of gravity would be a disadvantage. Would a taller person be easier to flip? OK, say you have two people of the same weight - one tall and thin, the other short and compact. The tall one would have the greater reach and thus an advantage for the punching, but when it comes to grappling/wrestling type stuff, would the shorter person have an advantage?
The nurse was all "Don't tell me about the treatment...tell him. You'll need a prescription."
I thought she was being weird, but a few more hours showed it was more like resignation.
He turned his back on my ride while my friend was trying to give him this treatment plan. Even through the pain at the time I wondered if Doc had a deathwish. Nobody's insurance plan is good enough to risk pissing off this friend.
I give the friend props for trying to stop me from having a fit in the hospital. Half hopped up on narcotics and fully hopped up on a migraine is no time to be making social decisions.