Frank, you saw my link upthread to the article about the centurion outfit, didn't you?
No, I missed that during the catching up. That's hilarious. I thought the armour looked to good to be just a prop costume they had lying around. This especially made me laugh:
"(Colbert) fell in love with it. He wore it around the office for half a day,"
He is SUCH a geek. I mean that as a total compliment.
Apropos of nothing whatever, I ran across this story.
He's a total geek! The Flick Filosopher has a post on her blog about going to see Return of the King at a press screening, and having Colbert running around the audience trying to get them to do the wave, he was so excited over the movie finally being released!
Heh. Might Cordelia have said this?
"I thought, 'You're buying Prada on my dime. Go get your teeth fixed.' "
That story is impressive, Toddson, but also depressing--the woman wasn't repentant and only got probation? That SUCKS.
He's a total geek! The Flick Filosopher has a post on her blog about going to see Return of the King at a press screening, and having Colbert running around the audience trying to get them to do the wave, he was so excited over the movie finally being released!
Oh man that's hilarious. I ask you, where are the bootleggers when you need them to catch something before the movie?
That story is impressive, Toddson, but also depressing--the woman wasn't repentant and only got probation? That SUCKS.
I've been hearing commercials for a service that swears it'll protect your identity from being stolen (even offers a discount for your children's identities), and reading articles like that one makes me think about getting it, even though it sounds like it'd be pretty expensive.
I've been hearing commercials for a service that swears it'll protect your identity from being stolen (even offers a discount for your children's identities), and reading articles like that one makes me think about getting it, even though it sounds like it'd be pretty expensive.
I'd totally hire them if they employed big brawny bounty-hunter types to go after the identity thievers. And then film it for reality TV.
ita could work for them.
Okay random... does anyone out there have FileMakerPro for Mac? I have a project that I am working on over the next 4 weeks and I have FileMakerPro issues.
In other news, I am willing today to be International Get Happy Day!
Okay random... does anyone out there have FileMakerPro for Mac?
No. If it's general database-design questions I can help, otherwise, NSM.