Damn, I have missed you, Maria. Crazy life getting in the way of fawning on you...
I've missed you too. There's that whole "middle of the country" thing that makes it difficult as well.
We really should figure out how to put life in its place. We'd become millionaires.
And with that pipe dream, I'm off to catch some shut-eye. 'Night all.
There's that whole "middle of the country" thing that makes it difficult as well.
I, for one, am tired of that curvature of the earth thing.
Sleep well. Chat soon!
You totally missed Maria. But she reminded me I love Kane so there's music over here if you want...
OOh, Kane. I could do that.
There could even be dancin' and singin' and imaginin' boys nekkid...
Congratulations to Jess and Ethan! Jess, you look absolutely radient in that picture. And welcome to the lovely little boy with the hippest name!
OMG, Colbert has been on a roll. First with the
gladiator outfit, complete with Roman hairdo,
and then on the Threathdown two nights ago
5. Robots (creepy virtual person), 4. Bears, 3. Robots (creepy virtual baby), 2. Bears, and 1. Robot Bears (the happy fun bear soldier rescue robot).
That was one of the best Threatdowns ever, though not entirely eclipsing the Threatdown.5 which featured Knut the Baby Polar Bear. ("Shut it off Jimmy! Shut.it.off!!!1!")