Is anyone else watching So You Think You Can Dance?
What I want to know is, if you have to do a solo to prove what you can do to stay in the competition, why would you perform to
Barbra Streisand's "Cry Me A River"??
So odd.
Haven't gotten to the end of the results show yet.
But don't go up against the Big Cat. Really, don't. I think he can kick your ass. Certainly kicked mine.
You know, pretty soon Ozzie is going to be meeting you at the door with an Uzi in one hand and a canoli in the other.
Zaphod? For reals? OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Wow! Jessica and Ethan are officially my heroes. Congrats!
Congrats to the Alters!! That name is too wicked cool.
Connie, thanks for that link. I wonder if that Welshman has received any formal training--if he hasn't, he's managed to get an incredible tenor voice anyway. Some training, and he'll have the lungs to back it up (I noticed he didn't quite get there at the end, and fell off pretty quickly).
Kathy, I believe he's had a lot of formal training.
Connie, thanks for that link
That was a proper opera audience, the kind who start cheering even before the aria's done, then stand up and holler some more. There need to more soccer hooligans at opera concerts.
Watch this! Simon Cowell with his jaw dropped in awe!
Damn. Just....damn. I got goosebumps, and a little teary. Nessun Dorma is one of my top three favorite arias. If you check the Britain's Got Talent site, he's (spoiler-fonted for the extremely phobic even though it's on another continent)
got a spot in the finals!
I went off in search of more videos. He's still damned good.
You know, pretty soon Ozzie is going to be meeting you at the door with an Uzi in one hand and a canoli in the other.
I am terrified that this is going to be true.
With music from The Godfather.