Huh, I'd wondered about the spellcheck stuff in my Firefox browser -- too bad it doesn't offer you alternate spellings. It's pretty easy to turn off, though.
Just reading up about the TB Lawyer -- even if he was getting a medical opinion about his current communicativeness (which, hey, "mostly not" isn't a guarantee, right?), what a stupid thing to do. This isn't even remotely covered by "it's better to apologize than ask permission" as he'd already been explicitly forbidden. And lawyers can't be excused by claiming they didn't know about the law....
Why I love my local morning news:
Female anchor to sports guy: "In a pay-per-view death match, who would you take? Hogzilla or Loch Ness Monster?"
I'd bet Nutty against the both of them. Nutty teamed up with a cheetah in a cage match!
Speaking of cheetahs, or at least aspiring!cheetahs, Chumley is sleeping on the desk next to me. I think he may have missed me.
Let's let the legal system work, and give the guy a trial by jury of his peers. I'm guessing no one will be too thrilled with him.
Now the weather guy is doing the report with a squirming beagle on his lap. I know not why. But I approve!
They also discriminate against atheists, right?
No, they don't. They were founded on Christian principles or something, but you don't have to be religious at all to use eHarmony. My friends who met on there and got married are at best agnostic.
Since dude is currently in isolation under armed guard with an effectively untreatable strain of TB, I'm willing to pass on the legal payback.
I understand that there are treatments, but his odds right now are about 30%. I'm willing to delay the payback because he has enough to deal with right now. Not to mention that it'll be a while before the exact amount of damages becomes clear.
Father-in-law has apparently said that the TB strain didn't come from him or the CDC. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Ditto the wife, which complicates civil liability issues immensely.
Wow, I didn't realize the odds are that low. (And as low for anyone that he might have infected.)
In the days before 9/11, a friend of mine used to pick up TB strains from places in Central America and bring them back to his lab in Unnamed University in his carry-on. He was very popular. He also demanded and introduction to my friend who came back from Central America with Dengue Fever, because he really wanted a blood sample or two. He now studies TB in fish.
It is shocking to me how much work I should be getting done today, and how little motivation I have to do any of it. I guess I've gotten off to an OK start, but I think I might have already used up all my juice.