SAY-shuh-tee (or something akin to that) was the common pronounciation of his day, though he protested against it as being contrary to all analogous words known. His protests were apparently effective, as that pronounciation is now obsolete.
Huh. That's how I've always heard and said it.
I say "et" instead of "ate" so I'm comfortable on this obsolescence train.
But I'm probably horribly inconsistent with the word's pronounciation.
Netflix sent me The Tick. I've just been introduced to the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight.
'bout time!
It needs to be noted that the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight was voiced by Maurice Lamarche, aka The Brain of Pinky and the.
I'm very firmly in favor of archaic pronounciations, particularly when they sound cool.
But SAY-shuh-tee sounds silly to me.
Maurice Lamarche, aka The Brain of Pinky and the.
Also Kif, and one of Mom's sons (among a handful of other characters) on Futurama.
Sillier than sa-tie-uh-tee? I don't think so. Pronunciation smackdown!
Sillier than sa-tie-uh-tee?
It sounds refined.
Plus? Root word is the same as that for "sated".
But SAY-shuh-tee sounds silly to me.
How do you pronounce "satiate"?
It sounds refined.
You say refined, I say snooty!
When my land line rings it's usually family, BC!BFF, or the front door. Just a bit ago it was a recruiter using god knows which resource since I switched to my cell # long before I got hired.
He yammers on, even after I explain I'm working...he's being polite, he's looking for other people with similar backgrounds. He asks if he can email me. No. He's in sales. I get that. But I'm not going to be a resource for him.
Why the fuck does he send me a thank-you email? Now I have to hate him.